Users can enter specific modules like Folder & file, Legacy, O&M documentation and conduct search from that specific module.
Screenshot of ‘Search bar’:
The search bar on the top right section are hidden from user in following screens:
- Campus List
- Campus Das
- Account Settings
- Account Team
- Users List
- Custom Lookup Attributes
- Profile Edit
- Recycle Bin
Users will be allowed the following in the search textbox:
- Enter specific search keyword matching names, description and specific system-generated attributes of an item
- Click the
to view the custom attributes associated with files and select/enter specific values of custom attributes (applicable for file search only)
- Enter tags associated with items (applicable mainly for equipments)
And then after entering the keyword click theto let the application conduct the search. Based on the entered keyword & configured search options, the application will fetch the search results.
User will be able to search for Folders & files, forms, equipments, legacy documents, photos & Pins from within each specific module as the search from inside each module is module-specific as well as campus-specific. This means that if user conducts search from inside the Legacy documents module then application will fetch all the Legacy documents matching the keyword, from within the specific campus under which the module falls. Although, from the search result screen, user can make the search result global by expanding the search to any or all modules of a campus or any or all modules of multiple/all campuses.
The application will search for the keyword within file name, meta-data (title, description & search tags) as well as within file content (content search using Solr engine). Also, application will search for the keyword in name & meta-data of campuses, photos, equipments, forms & notifications. Search results churned out by the application contains the entered search string and falls within the purview of the selected or entered custom attributes. Also, the searched out content will be highlighted on the line of text it is present, along with the page number of the document on which it is present.
As an example of search conducted from inside a specific module, the search from within the Folders & files module is explained here:
User can conduct the same search from within Folders & files module, like they could search from the Campus dashboard. Only difference from the campus dashboard search will be that – searching from the campus dashboard will, by default, make the app search for the entered keyword within all modules of the campus whereas searching from the Folders & files module will, by default, make the app search for the entered keyword within the Folders & files module of that campus only.
Within the Folders & files module, user will first click on the search textbox present on the top right-hand corner of the Folders & files module screen and then enter the search keyword.
Example - Let's say, user entered the keyword “arc” and directly clicked the ‘Search’ button. App will fetch those items whose names are matching with the entered keyword, only from the Folders & files module.
Screenshot below displays the search results screen:
The search can end here but if you wish to use the custom attribute values for search to narrow your search result then do the following (for 3 types of search attributes).
- Tick the checkbox beside a selection type custom attribute called ‘With Document Type’field.
- Select the appropriate option from the Operator drop-down. For this example, select the ‘Equal To’ operator
- Select the appropriate conjunction radio-button. For this example, select ‘and’ radio-button
- Select a specific custom lookup fields (which is associated with the custom attribute and entered by the user from the Settings > Custom lookup fields screen) by clicking the [Plus] button
- Tick the checkbox beside a date type custom attribute called ‘With Date of Expiration’field.
- On the opened up pop-up box you will have to scroll up or down to select the suitable date. After scrolling to the appropriate date, you will have to click the on the date to complete the date selection procedure
- Tick the checkbox beside a string/numerical type custom attribute called ‘With Warranty’field.
- Select the operator as 'containing' or 'equal to'
- Enter alphanumeric text or numbers within the specified textbox
Hence, after entering the search keyword, then selecting or entering appropriate Custom Attribute(s) values you will have to click on the (Search button) to view the search results fetched by the application.
As mentioned earlier, app will fetch those items whose names are matching with the entered keyword and also the files whose contents have the matching keyword, only from the Folders & files module.
Each item (folder or file) whose names and files whose contents match with the entered keyword are shown on the right-side of the screen. Those items whose names contain the entire keyword are shown first, then the items whose names contain the keyword partially and in the end the files whose contents have the matching keyword are shown in that order. The location of the folder/file are shown with each search result.
User can click on any search item, like, folder to navigate inside that folder or if the search item is a file, then user can click on the file to open it using the app Viewer.
Note: Refer to the Campus dashboard search help file to know more about the filtering of search results, sorting and other operations that can be performed on search results.