User will first click on the search textbox on the campus dashboard. After clicking, previous search keywords (historical search keywords) will appear, which user can select to avoid entering the same search keyword again (if user wants to repeat the search).
Screenshot below displays the historical search keywords:
If user is searching for the first time, then these historical keywords will not appear.
Next, when user starts typing the keyword, the app will show any historical search keyword partially matching the entered keyword. Also, the app will show search suggestions module-wise, prompting the user to search for the entered keyword in any one or more modules of the campus.
Screenshot below displays the partially matching historical search keyword & the option to search for the keyword in any specific module:
Note: There is no restriction in entering any special character while performing search in Dashboard page.
Example – If user typed the keyword “arc”, then app will show the historical keyword (previously used) “architecture” partially matching the keyword & other closely resembling previously used keywords as well as option to search for the keyword “arc” in modules like ‘Folders and files’, 'Forms', 'Equipments', ‘Legacy Documents’, 'Photos' & 'Pins'.
User can now proceed with the search process by choosing any one of the following paths:
- Enter the full keyword (what user wants to type) like “architecture” and app will fetch the search results matching the entered keyword (items that have name matching the keyword) from all modules of the campus (including Legacy documents).
- Select the historical search suggestion matching the full or partially entered keyword, like, “arc” and app will fetch the search results matching the selected keyword (items that have name matching the keyword) from all modules of the campus (including Legacy documents).
- Select the option to search in specific modules for the fully or partially entered keyword, like, selecting Legacy document module for the keyword “arc” and app will fetch the search results matching the selected keyword (items that have name matching the keyword) from only the selected module of the campus (in this case, Legacy documents).
Example - Let's say, user entered the keyword “arc” and selected the option to search only in ‘Legacy Documents’ module. App will fetch those items whose names are matching with the entered keyword, only from the Legacy Documents module.
Screenshot below displays the search results screen:
As said earlier, app will fetch those items whose names are matching with the entered keyword and also files whose contents have the matching keyword, only from the Legacy Documents module.
Each item (folder or file) whose names match with the entered keyword and files whose contents have the matching keyword are shown on the right-side of the screen. Those items whose names contain the entire keyword are shown first and then the items whose names contain the keyword partially are shown below. After that the contents of files which have the matching keywords are shown. Location of the folder/file are shown with each search result.
User can click on any search item, like, folder to navigate inside that folder or if the search item is a file, then user can click on the file to open it using the app Viewer.
Note: The number beside the selected module name checkbox (from which the search result is fetched) indicates the number of items fetched from that module as search results.
Filtering search results:
User can filter the search result by campus or by any module inside the campus from the checkboxes on the left-side of the screen. User can also close the current existing filters to make the search global.
1. Filtering by campus – The current campus within which search was conducted will remain selected by default. User can choose to select ‘All campus’ to make the search results appear from the Legacy Documents module (as that is the selected module within which search was conducted for this example) of all campuses. Or user can click the ‘Show all’ link to first view all the campuses associated with the account and then choose any (one or more) campuses to make the search results appear from Legacy Documents module (as that is the selected module within which search was conducted for this example) of the chosen campuses. When user clicks the ‘Show all’ link, a separate modal window will appear as a drawer displaying all the campuses in the account.
When user click the ‘Show all’ link, all the campuses will appear as selection objects in a separate modal window.
Screenshot below displays the separate modal which opens like a drawer, displaying all the campuses in the account:
User can click on the checkbox beside one or more campus name to select those campuses (meaning user wants the app to fetch the search results matching the entered keyword from the selected campuses only) and then click on [Apply filter] button to make the app fetch the artifacts matching the keyword from the selected campuses only.
2. Filtering by modules – The current module within which search was conducted will remain selected by default. Similarly, user can choose to de-select the currently selected module or can keep it selected and then select any module (one or more) and then the app will fetch search result from the currently selected module. For example, user chose to select Folders & Files module (keeping the Legacy Documents module selected), then app will fetch search results from both Legacy Documents module and Folders & Files module as both modules are selected.
Screenshot below displays the search results fetched from both Legacy module & the newly selected Folders & Files module [the selected Folders & files module and the search result fetched from that module are highlighted with green rectangle]:
3. Closing filters – The chosen filters are shown on the top left-hand side of the screen. User can close any one of those filters to prompt the application to search without the usage of the filter. For example, the filters chosen are campus ‘Lakeview institute’, modules ‘Legacy documents’ & ‘Folders & files’. If user chooses to close the filter ‘Legacy documents’, then app will fetch search result from only Folders & files module of the Lakeview institute campus.
Note: If user de-selects all filtering options, even default ones, the app will show the message "No result found for keyword arc".
Sorting search results:
Search results can be sorted using relevance (how much the name/content of the searched item matches with the keyword) and as per date on which the searched item is created/modified.
- Click the Sort by drop-down from the top right-hand corner of the screen to open the drop-down and select any one of the sorting option.
By default, the ‘Relevance’ sorting option will be selected.
Screenshot below displays the various sorting options:
Operations on search results
Users can select a legacy folders & files from the search result and perform various operations on this folder or document. This includes download, send link (from top right-side) move, copy, get info, delete & modify attributes (from beside file name) for a single file as well as download, send link, move, copy, get info, delete & modify attributes (from top right-side) for multiple files (provided these files belong to the same module).
To select a file or folder from the search result, user needs to single-click on the folder and file (the selected row of file or folder will appear in red color to identify it as selected).
Screenshot below displays a selected file in the search result:
As soon as user selects a file, the operation buttons appear at the top right-hand corner of the screen.
- Click on
[Download] button to download the selected file on the user’s local computer
- Click on
[Send link] button to send a download link of the selected file to other users via email generated from the app.
Once you hover the mouse cursor over the selected file the[More options] button appears on the extreme right-side of the file row.
- Click this button to open the menu where other file operation buttons like move, copy, delete, get info & modify attributes are present (this button is only used when any operation is performed on a single file).
- Click the [Move] button to move the selected file inside other folders of Legacy module or inside any folder of the normal Folders & File module (making the document active from inactive)
- Click the [Copy Files] button to copy the file under another folder
- Click the [Delete] button to permanently delete the selected file from the app. A warning message for delete confirmation will be shown to the user before permanent deletion
- Click the [Get info] button to view info like (create date, size, uploader name) of the selected file
- Click the [Modify attributes] button to change the title, description and any tags on the file
Note: These operations are not explained in detail here as these are already previously explained in Legacy module help articles.
Operational buttons at search result level only appear for normal folders/files and Legacy folders/files and not for search results fetched from Form, Equipment, Photos module & matching Pins
After selecting a file user can click the Ctrl button on the keyboard and then click on any no. of other files (for multi-selection).
Screenshot below displays two selected files in the search result:
User will have access to perform similar operations on multiple selected files except viewing file info because it is not possible to view info of multiple files or folders together.
- Click
[More options] button at the top right-side of the screen to open the menu where other file operation buttons like move, copy, delete, modify attributes are present (this button is used when any operation is performed on multiple files).
User can single-click again on a selected file to de-select it.
For folders the operation which appear are Move, get info and delete (for single folder selection - beside the folder name in search result) and Download & Send link (at the top right-side)
For multi-folder selection, the operations that appear are Move to & Delete (at the top right-side from the 'More options' button) as well as Download & Send link.
Note: This operational button at the top (More options button, Download & Send link buttons) will not appear if user selects a file(s) and folder(s) belonging to the same module (like user selects a file and a folder both belonging to the Legacy module or user selects a file and a folder both belonging to the Folders & files module).
The application will restrict the user to use the more operations menu in case user selects a Legacy document and along with that selects some other type of search result like equipment, form, normal file etc.
For example, user selects the 'All' modules option in the "By Module" filter and lets the application fetch search results matching with the entered keyword from all modules of the selected campuses.
Screenshot below displays a normal folder, legacy folder, Pin, equipment, form & image name matching the keyword:
Now, if user selects a normal folder, legacy folder, Pin, equipment, form & image from the search result then the operation menu at the top will not appear.
This restriction is placed because its logically not possible to perform the same operations of items of different modules.
Hence, selection of multiple items from different modules like a Legacy file and a normal file and a form and an equipment will not result into the appearance of any operational button at the top (More options button).
Content search result display
If a user-entered keyword matches with the content of a Legacy document or any normal file, then the application will display the number of times the match inside the file has been found. If user clicks a drop-down arrow beside this number then, the content matching the entered keyword with highlighted keyword under the name of the document will appear.
For example, if user entered the keyword ‘arc’ and it matches with the content of a Legacy document called ‘A2.3Plans.pdf’, then this document will be fetched as a search result. The number of times the match is found is written as "1 match found in this file" (if the matching keyword is only found once). Clicking the drop-down arrow beside it will display the sentence within the document where the keyword is present (displayed page-wise like found in Page-1). The keyword will appear highlighted in yellow on the sentence.
Screenshot below displays the content search results of a Legacy document that have content matching the keyword: