This section describes the process of how the new users will be creating an account in ARC Facilities - New generation application.
If you want to access the app but don’t have an existing account and prefer not to use a Google or Apple account, you can register a new account directly in the app.
- On the Sign in screen, click the ‘Create account’ link to register for a new account in ARC Facilities app.
Screenshot below displays the Create an account screen:
- Enter the mandatory details such as your First Name, Last Name, and Email in the designated fields. You may also provide your phone number and verify it during the registration process.
Note: For phone number verification, enter the phone number and click [Verify] it will send a security code in the entered phone number. A new blank box asking for security code will appear, enter the received security code there and if correctly entered it will show a green tick.
- Click [Continue] to proceed with the registration process.
You will receive security code for verification in your email ID provided for verification.
Upon entering the security code (which needs to be entered within 3 minutes of receiving, otherwise the code will get expired, and you will have to click [Resend security code] button to get a new code to proceed) and clicking [Sign in] button, you will be able to enter the application.
Screenshot below displays the Security Code textbox:
After verification, a new page will appear to create password. Keep in mind that password must contain the below mentioned conditions as follows:
- Use at least 8 characters.
- Include both lowercase and uppercase letters.
- Include at least one digit.
- Include at least one symbol (!@#$%^&*_-+=).
- Avoid using your name or email in the password.
You can skip the password setup for now by clicking [Skip] and set it later from the ‘Profile’ section of the app.
Screenshot displays Password page:
After entering the new password twice (second time for confirmation), click [Continue] button to reach the Campus list screen.
Screenshot below displays the blank Campus list screen for a new account (new user registration) – in grid view:
When user account expires, all creation activities will cease but user will be able to access campuses shared to him/her (where the account from which campus is shared is still active).
Reminder notification or Subscription expiration notification – Email will be sent before account expiration within a certain period – those email will be sent to customers to function as fail-safe (will remain as is).
Note: Suppose a trial user invites a new user who does not have application account beforehand, then we will call the shared user account as "Guest" as that guest account user will not be able to create any campus for his own but will be able to view the shared campus by the trial user.