Recycle Bin is a directory where deleted items are temporarily stored. Hence, recycle bin ensures that whenever a folder or file within a campus is deleted by you, that deleted folder or file is temporarily stored inside the bin viewable to you and from where either the application purges the deleted item permanently after a certain default/user-set period or you purge/restore the item on their own volition.

The access to Recycle Bin will be from Profile menu of the Campus list or from the left-side panel of the Account settings screen.


After reaching inside the recycle bin, users will be able to view all the deleted folders/files campus-wise.


At the top of the screen there will be a drop-down from where users can select the campus and view the deleted files inside that campus (only the campuses where the user has access). Hence, the viewing of the deleted folders/files is only achievable on a campus-by-campus basis (campus-wise).


Recycle Bin Settings

Inside the Recycle Bin screen, user will be able to view the [Recycle Bin Settings]   button.


On the Settings, the following radio-buttons & day selection will be shown:

  • Delete Permanently 
  • Move to recycle bin on deletion
    1. Automatically clean up recycle bin after so many days/months/years (which appears after the ‘Move to recycle bin on deletion’ option is selected)

User can select either of the radio buttons Permanent delete or Move to recycle bin. If you select Permanent delete radio-button then any folders/files once deleted from their original location will be removed permanently from the application. On the other hand, if user selects Move to recycle bin radio-button then any folders/files once deleted will be moved to the Recycle Bin folder. By default, the deleted folders/files will be moved to recycle bin, without any user intervention in the Recycle bin settings.

Hence, after the files are moved to recycle bin, user can enter the number of days, months or years (from the Automatically cleanup recycle bin section) after which the folders/files present in the recycle bin will be permanently purged from the Recycle Bin, thereby from the application. By default, after 90 days the folders/files will be automatically purged from the recycle bin, thereby from the application.

Click [Apply] after making the changes to settings.

Recycle Bin screen – Viewing deleted folder/file

On the Recycle Bin screen, the deleted folders/files are displayed with the following information and options:

  • Name of the deleted folders/files
    1. Location path for folders
    2. Folder name under which the file was originally present
  • The date & time during which the folder/file was deleted
  • The name of the user who deleted the folder/file
  • The size of the folder/file
  • Option to restore the folder/file to its original location
  • Option to purge the folder/file permanently from the system

The options to restore and remove the items from Recycle Bin are displayed below (accessible from ‘More options’ menu):

Users can also click the [Empty recycle bin] button to remove all items from the recycle bin therefore from the application permanently at one shot.

At the top of the screen there will be a drop-down from where users can select the campus and view the deleted files inside that campus (only the campuses where the user has access). Hence, the viewing of the deleted folders/files is only achievable on a campus-by-campus basis (campus-wise).