This section in the ‘My profile’ drop-down menu enables you to set/change a secure password for your ARC Facilities 2.0 account as well as a list of all the devices in which your account is logged in.
Once you choose to open the [Security and Privacy] option from the dropdown menu, a new tab in the browser will open. This new tab will display the ‘Centralized Profile application’ of IDaaS. On this profile application tab there is a left side panel available which contains:
Clicking on this option shows you a generic dashboard of your profile containing two cards, ‘Personal information’ and ‘Security’ (Since you are visiting the profile application after clicking the Security option).
My Account
This option opens the ‘My account’ page where you can see some basic information along with your contact information (Email & Phone number).
From this page you can change the profile picture (if required). Clicking on the [profile icon] [marked with a red box in the above image] will open a local drive page from where you can select the preferred profile image for their account.
You can change name, email address and phone number (if required).
You will by default land on this page of the profile application if you have clicked on the ‘Security’ option of the ‘My Profile’ drop-down menu.
Screenshot below displays the security page opened in a new tab of the browser:
If you did not set a password during registration, you can create one by clicking the [Set Password] button. If you already have a password but want to update it for better security, use the [Change Password] option on this screen.
Apart from the password set up / changing, the logged in devices records are also visible on this screen. You can sign out your account from all the devices using the [Sign out from all devices] button available on this screen.
Setting up a fresh secure password
If you have not set up a password while registering into the application but wish to do so, you can open the “My profile” dropdown menu and choose the ‘Security’ option available to do the same. Once opened you will be navigated to the below shown screen.
- Click on [Set password] to proceed with the password setup process. A pop-up window will appear asking to enter a secure password. Enter the preferred password twice to confirm it.
Password strength criteria indication will be shown beside the password entering pop-up window, which will contain the password strength criteria as:
- Use at least 8 characters.
- Include both lowercase and uppercase letters.
- Include at least one digit.
- Include at least one symbol (!@#$%^&*_-+=).
- Avoid using your name or email in the password.
Note: If all the password strength criteria are matched while entering the preferred password then only the [Continue] button will be enabled in the pop-up window.
Once you click on [Continue] button after successfully entering the preferred password in the blank text boxes, a new pop-up window will appear asking to enter the ‘Security code’ sent to the registered phone number.
The security code will be valid for 3 mins, enter the security within this timeframe only, otherwise you need to click the [Resend] button to get the security code again on your registered phone number.
Upon entering the security code successfully click the [Update] button to successfully set up the password. An indication message ‘Password set successfully’ will be displayed at the bottom of the screen.
Changing the password to a new one
If you have set up a password while registering into the application but wish to change it to a more secure one, you can open the “My profile” dropdown menu and choose the ‘Security and Privacy’ option available to do the same. Once opened you will be navigated to the below shown screen. This screen will contain the last updated date/time of the password below the masked password.
- Click on the [Change password] button to proceed with it. A new pop-up window will appear asking to enter the old password and the preferred password in blank text box. Re-enter the new password once again to confirm the same.
- Once done the [Update] button will be enabled in the pop-up window. Click on it to successfully change the password.
- An indication message will appear at the bottom of the screen stating, ‘Password change successful’.
Note: When you set up or change the password successfully you will be logged out of the profile application by default.
Devices logged in:
There is also ‘Devices logged in’ section, which provides information about the browsers and devices by which the account is currently accessed. It contains information like the browser’s name, from where it is operated (location), time of signing into the account and the IP address of the device. There is a [Sign out from all devices] option available at the top right corner of the ‘Devices logged in’ section, which will sign out your account from all the devices from where your account is currently accessed.