If you want to see the users having access to the campus, switch to the “Users” tab from the groups tab in the user management section of a particular campus.
Screenshot below displays the ‘Users’ screen inside the user management section of a campus
Adding a new user in the campus
- Click on [Add User] to add a new user in the campus
Create User screen appears with user email entry textbox.
Note: Multiple email IDs can be entered, separated by semi-colon.
All the modules available in the campus (displayed on the ‘Create user’ popup screen) are selected by default, although you can deselect any modules.
- Type the email ID of the user in the email entry textbox to whom you want to grant the access permission
Multiple email IDs can be entered, separated by comma.
The owner or a full access user who is giving permission can deselect any modules to which he/she does not want the invited user to get access.
- Read access to all modules will be given by default, which you can change.
- User access – the type of permission given (read, write, elevated and admin) will be for all selected modules.
- You cannot give individual permission to specific modules. The permission selected like Read, Write, Elevated or Admin Access will be applied for all the selected modules.
- All users added to the campus will automatically get full access to the Folders & Files module.
- Users with Read & Write access will not get access to these modules although users with Write permission will get access to the Forms but not the Templates to generate the forms.
After that, you must click on the [Add] button to successfully add the new user
The newly added user will be shown on the User Management screen.
An invitation email will be sent to the entered email ID of the user. The recipient must click the invitation link in the mail to accept permission to access the campus.
- If you want to send the campus invitation link again (same link) to the same recipient to whom you have previously sent campus invitation, but that user hasn’t accepted yet, then you must click
[More options] (on the invited user row) and then click the ‘Invite again’ menu button on the opened-up menu to send the previous invitation link again.
- Once the recipient accepts the invitation link, the user message “Invited user” disappears and instead the username is displayed and also the ‘Invite again’ menu button is replaced with the normal ‘More’ options menu which appears for any normal user who is added in the campus.
- Clicking the campus invitation link in his/her email will redirect the recipient to login screen (where the email ID is pre-populated, and that user only needs to enter password to enter the app) if user already has an account in ARC Facilities.
- Otherwise, if user does not have an account in ARC Facilities, then that user is redirected to registration screen (this screen will have only email ID pre-populated), from where user will create a new account and then access the app to land on the Campus list screen with the invited campus on display.
On ‘Read’ or ‘Write’ access, the invited user will not be able to edit dashboard or edit campus maps.
- No campus acceptance is required for receipt of a campus shared to a recipient (for new users accessing a shared campus, they will have to register to the app to gain access to the shared campus, whereas for existing users they will directly get access to the shared campus once they sign in to their account).
Note: The permission of an owner cannot be changed by any other user of a campus.
Hence, you will be able to see which users have permission to a particular campus and the type of access permission they have for that campus from the User Settings section of a campus.
Note: Any user getting added to a campus are allotted a color by random. But that same color for that user is maintained across the application.
After the invited user accesses the account (in case user does not have account, then after registering and accessing the account) and then enters the invited campus, that user will be displayed as a normal user who accepted the invitation on your user management screen in your campus.
Operations on users inside a campus
View activities
- Click the More Options (
) button beside a user to open the ‘More Options’ menu and then click the [View activities] button
You will be able to view activities of a user for a specific campus (activities within the campus from where the ‘Activities’ screen is accessed) like equipment addition, folder creation, file viewing, file upload, new widget creation etc. The list of activities that can be viewed includes any action performed by that user within the campus. You can also view your (owner’s) activities.
Edit user details -permission levels & module access
If you want to edit a user’s details from the users tab you need to click on button beside a user’s name. A dropdown menu will appear containing option to edit the user details.
Screenshot below displays the edit option
If you click on the [Edit] option a new pop-up window will appear.
Check the permission level you want to reassign from the list to change the permission level.
Also, you can select/de-select modules from the list to change the module access for that specific user.
Once all the changes are done click on [Save] button.