- Clicking the
[More details] button present at the top right-hand corner of the screen opens a drop-down from where you can Download the document and Print the document.
This is drop-down is shown in the screenshot below,
Download document
You can download a document without markup, with visible markup or with all markups drawn on any page of the document (saved & visible both).
- Click on [Download] button on the drop-down and the following screen (shown below) appears,
- Click on [Only drawing] link to download the document in PDF format without any saved or visible markups drawn on the document.
- Click on [Visible markups] link to download the document in PDF format with the visible markups currently on display over the Viewer screen.
- Click on [All markups] link to download the document in PDF format with all markups drawn & saved on any page of the document.
Print document
You can send the document directly to a printer connected with your local system (the computer through which you are accessing the application).
- Click on [Print] button on the drop-down and the following screen (shown below) appears,
After clicking the [Print] button, the Print screen appears. On that screen click on the [Print] button to send the document for printing to the associated printer.