You can draw various markups and annotations as well as create hyperlinks, PINs and calibration (measurement) on any page of the document using the toolbar.
Screenshot displaying the toolbar:
Each markup menu item on the toolbar has an associated sub-menu item.
Menu & Sub-Menu Icon Description:
Menu Icon Name | Description | Sub-Menu Icon Name | Description |
Open Pointer Menu | This menu lets you select multiple portions in a single screen of a document |
Multi-select | Click to select multiple markups and annotations drawn on the document. After selection you can delete the multiple markups together. |
Open Line Menu | You can add a straight line, do freehand drawing and highlight area by selecting various options through this menu. |
Add a Line | Click to create a straight line on the document |
Draw with a Freehand | Click to draw freehand with a pen | ||
Draw an arrow | Click to draw an arrow | ||
Draw rectangular highlight | You can highlight a portion of the document. The shape of the highlighted area will be rectangular | ||
Open Shape Menu | You can create rectangular, ellipsoidal and cloud formed shapes and change shape attributes through this menu. The purpose is to point out any portions of the document for selection, highlighting S |
Add a rectangle | Click to draw a rectangular shape on the document |
Add an ellipse | Click to draw an ellipsoidal shape on the document | ||
Add a cloud | Click to draw a cloud shape on the document | ||
Open text menu | You can add freeform texts, texts for notification purpose and callout text through this menu. |
Add text | Click to enter text on any portion of the document within a textbox |
Add a note | Click to enter note on any portion of the document to appear as a pop-up. | ||
Add a callout | Click to create a call-out | ||
Open Hyperlink Menu | You can insert a hyperlink through this menu to point to another file or point to a different screen of the same file. The hyperlinked areas can be of varied shapes and sizes. |
Add a Cloud hyperlink | Add a hyperlink to link to another or other portions of same document. The hyperlinked area shape is cloud. |
Add a Ellipse hyperlink | Add a hyperlink to link to another or other portions of same document. The hyperlinked area shape is ellipse. | ||
Add a Rectangle hyperlink | Add a hyperlink to link to another or other portions of same document. The hyperlinked area shape is rectangle. | ||
Add PIN | You can create custom PINs or add existing PINs (from the application end) on a building plan/map. These PINs essentially identify the locations of documents, forms, photos and many more. | ||
Open Calibration Menu | You can draw a calibration line and based on that line the application will measure the length and area of various shapes and lines called measurement annotation. You need to draw these annotations after drawing the calibration line. | ||
Rotate document | You can rotate a document by 90 degrees up to 360 degrees using this feature. |
Description of markups with screenshot
Below given is a full description of drawing & saving a particular markup (example of 'Line markup' is taken).
Drawing line markup
- Click on the Line menu and then click on the Line markup icon from the toolbar.
- Now, select the preferred method from the line markup menu to draw the preferred line markup on the viewer document.
Fully drawn line markup is shown in the screenshot below,
- Click on the line markup to open the settings of the markup. This is shown below,
Drawing details:
- Border Color: Click the Border Color drop-down to change the color of the line markup. The colors are pre-defined in the application. The colors which can be selected from the drop-down are Red, Blue, Green, Yellow, Black, Gray & White.
- Border Thickness: Click the Border Thickness drop-down to change the size or thickness of the line. For example, the line thickness can be 1, 2, 4, 6, 8 & 16. The thickness measures are pre-defined in the application.
- Delete button: Click on [Delete] button to remove the drawn line.
- OK button: Click on [OK] button to keep the drawn line on the document after making changes in color or thickness (is necessary).
Other operations:
- After you click on the line markup, small white-boxes appear on the two end points of the line. Stretch the end points to increase or decrease the line length or drag any one of the end points to rotate the line around.
- Click on the line to select it, then move the Line by dragging the mouse pointer and then release the same at any position on the document.
Note: The operation of stretching of the end points [small white boxes at the end of markups], changing the mark-up shape direction on a single plane and also moving the markups can be achieved on all different types of markups and annotation.
Saving the line markup
After you draw the line markup, click on the [Save] button [highlighted with red rectangle in screenshot below] at the bottom right-hand corner of the screen to save the markup. The Save markup name as pop-up box appears. This is shown below,
- Enter the name of the line markup on this pop-up box and click [Save] button to save the markup. After successfully saving the application will auto populate a message 'Annotation saved successfully' to show you that the markup is saved successfully.
After you save the markup, it will appear under the 'Saved markup(s)' menu (which opens up after clicking the
icon) present on the top of the Viewer.
- Click the 'Saved markup(s)' drop-down to view all the saved markups drawn & saved previously on the document. This is shown below,
Now, click on the Eye icon beside any of the recently added and saved markup/annotation/hyperlink appear & disappear on the document.
On the saved markup panel (which opens from the right-side of the screen), for each saved markup/annotation the following is displayed:
- The markup/annotation name
- The date on which the markup/annotation is created and saved
- The user who has created the markup/annotation
There would also be option to search for markups using the markup name. Also, there would be option to hide all or view all markups displayed on the panel.
- Click
[Delete] button to delete the saved markup. A confirmation screen asking you to confirm whether the you want to delete the markups or not, will appear once the [Delete] button is clicked. Click on [Yes] button to delete the markup & [No] to cancel the operation.
Note: After the markup is saved you cannot change the color, thickness, stretch the lines or move the line or for that matter do anything on the markup except make the markup appear & disappear from the Viewer screen. You can only delete the saved markup from the 'Saved markup(s)' drop-down.
Note: Other markups/annotations are drawn & saved in the Viewer in a similar manner as the 'Line markup' hence these are not explained here further.