The saved PIN icon is visible on the document through the Viewer. This PIN icon is the selected icon of the equipment (selected from the ‘Create PIN’ screen).

Screenshot below displays a newly created PIN :

  • Click the ‘Saved PIN’   icon on the top right-corner of the Viewer screen to view the saved PIN.

Screenshot below displays the saved PINs on the floor plan:


The saved PIN panel will display the saved PINs on the floor plan by name and also display the count of the saved PINs created with same icon & name. This panel will also display the Custom PINs created. You can click the Eye icon beside each PIN to   show/hide the PIN icon on the floor plan.

After you open a file through Viewer which has PIN created on it, the saved PINs display panel will open by default from the right-side of the screen and then collapse/close after a brief period. 

  1. On the PIN panel, a search box is included through which you can search for PINs by typing the PIN name.
  2. On the PIN panel, saved PINs are displayed by name with the no. of PINs of the same type, there show/hide buttons are also displayed (like 2 Air Compressor PINs are created – in this case the count under the PIN name will be 2).


  • Click on a PIN on the floor plan to view details of that PIN

On the ‘View PIN’ screen, you can change the attached photo/video, change/edit the PIN icon name, edit the description, change/add/remove equipment, change/add/remove form templates, change/add/remove supporting documents but cannot change the PIN type.

There will be options to delete the PIN and enter comments.

Few pointers regarding PIN: 

  • PIN category – currently there are 3 separate files with PINs – based on file name PIN name will be categorized – file name & file path is different, but file is same 
  • As-Builts map – Currently, you can create PIN and PIN will not be loaded when the file is opened through Viewer – PIN creation will be there, but you may not use it.
  • PINs will not be loaded by default, when opening floor plans through the System folder, let user view PINs as per PIN type/category.
  • System folder – Annotation & PIN will be there, but for files opened through Legacy module there will be no PIN