
You can create a PIN on a floor plan after accessing the document either from a campus map, equipment map etc. or opening the plan directly from the Folders & Files module. The floor plan opens through the app Viewer. The PIN is mainly created to identify an equipment location on a floor plan.

PINs are loaded on floor plans as per PIN types related to the widget through which the floor plan is opened – for example, when you navigate through Shut-off map widget, only the Shut-off PINs (PIN type as Shut-off) on the floor plan will be loaded and displayed to you by default. However, when you navigate through the Equipment Map widget, only the Equipment PINs (with a PIN type of Equipment) on the floor plan will be loaded and displayed by default. 

Creating PINs

For example, if you want to create shut-off PINs, you can do so by navigating to the application viewer by clicking on individual floors that appear once you are inside the shut-off widget. Assuming you have floor plan attached to the respective floor, you will be navigated to the viewer once you click on the floor name inside a particular building of Shut-off widget.

Screenshot below displays the pin creation annotation icon in the viewer toolbar


  • Click the PIN creation annotation icon  and then click on the portion of the floor plan where you want to place the PIN.


The PIN creation pop-up will appear now on top of the Viewer screen (Viewer screen will come in the background) immediately after the PIN is placed.

Screenshot below displays the Create PIN screen:


Note: PIN comments will be in ‘PIN details’ screen.

As soon as you place the PIN, the Create PIN modal will open, with options to select an icon, attach photos/videos, select pin type, add a description, and/or to link to equipment, PDF reports, supporting documents.

To create a PIN, only PIN icon selection is mandatory but rest of options like attaching photo/video, item linking (equipment association, form association, file linking) as well as description is optional. Hence, a user can create a PIN by only selecting the PIN icon (but this PIN without any items linked will not serve any real purpose).


Attach image/video of equipment/shut-off/emergency equipment/other equipment

From the Create PIN screen, users can add photos and videos of the equipment by clicking the + icon at the top of the screen. After the user clicks the [Photo/video Plus icon] button, the Add from drop-down appears. This drop-down will show two options: Computer & ARC Facilities.



To attach photos from the local computer:

  • Click on the [Computer] button on the drop-down and the window through which the user can select images from the local computer will appear.



  • Double-click on one or more photos or select one or more photos and click the [Open] button to upload and then attach those photos with the PIN.


To attach photos from inside ARC Facilities:

  • Click on the [ARC Facilities] button to attach photos from the Folders & Files module of the ARC Facilities app of the campus within which the PIN is getting created.




The Folders & Files module of ARC Facilities will have the photos of equipment/shut-offs saved inside that module.


  • Move inside a folder to view the photos within it (where the photos were uploaded by the user)



  • Click on the photo to select it (more than one photo can be selected).




  • Now, click on the [Done] button to attach the photo with the equipment


After attaching a photo/video from the local computer or a photo from the Folders & Files module of the ARC Facilities app it is displayed on the top portion of the Create pin screen  



Note: Similarly, videos can be attached from local computers and ARC Facilities.


  • View up to 30 photos is allowed but adding up to 15 photos will be allowed in PIN & Equipment


When you move the mouse cursor over the attached photo, a [More options] button will appear. Click on the [More options] button and a drop-down will appear displaying the [Download] button & the [Remove] button.



  • Click the [Download] button to download the photo in the local computer (this option appears if the photo is attached from the Folders & Files module)
  • Click the [Remove] button to detach the photo attachment from the PIN.


The original photo will remain in its place from where it has been attached.

  • Click on the attached photo to open it through the photo editor in expanded (full screen) mode.




The photos attached to a PIN should be automatically attached to the equipment which the PIN is identifying (For example, user attaches 2 photos with the PIN. With this PIN an existing equipment is associated that already has 3 photos attached with it previously. In this case, both the PIN and the equipment when opened separately to view/edit details will have a combined 5 photos displayed).

Expanded view of image (maximized screen) will be displayed as per what is shown in current ARC Facilities (image & video) – HEIF & HEIC file viewing will be supported.


Select Pin Type

Then, you need to select the pin type to identify what the PIN represents. This can be equipment, shut-off, emergency or any other type. 

The default PIN type (tag) which will appear as selected will be matching with the widget map (type of map) on which user is creating the PIN which user can change (for example, if user is creating a PIN on a shut-off map then the default PIN type which will appear selected will be ‘Shut-off’).

No default selection of pin type will be there when user opens file in Viewer from ‘Folders & Files’ module.

Note: All adding & modifications of PIN type will be done from Super admin.


Recently used icon

If you have created any PIN recently on the file or other users have created PINs on the file recently, then those PINs will be available for selection to create a new PIN.

A section called ‘Recently used icons’ displaying the last 5 recently used PIN icons will be visible on the ‘Create PIN’ screen. You will be able to instantly create a new PIN using any one of the 5 PIN icons which were used recently.

The appearance of the recently used icons are depended on the combination of platform (device or cloud), user and campus.

For example, a user enters into his/her account through a particular platform (cloud, iOS or Android) and entered into a specific campus. Then that user proceeds to create a new PIN. On the ‘Create PIN’ screen, that user will see a list of recently used icons which have been used within the same campus, by that same user (same account), using that same platform (cloud, iOS or Android), previously. If any of that changes then a new set of recently used icons is displayed.

You can select any of the last 5 used PIN icon (click on one of the recently used PIN to select it) to create a new PIN. Hence, you do not need to type a new PIN name every time.

For example, you are creating the PIN for a number of panels on a floor. Each PIN will identify the location of a single panel on the floor plan. You create a new PIN called ‘Panel’ and annotates the same on the floor plan. This PIN will now be available on the ‘Recently used icons’ section on the ‘Create PIN’ screen. When you try to create another PIN to identify another ‘Panel’, you do not need to create a new PIN or find a used PIN icon from the drop-down but can directly choose same PIN icon (Panel’) from the ‘Recently used icons’ section. This will save you time and effort as well as make the repeated PIN creation process hassle-free and more streamlined.


Screenshot below displays the ‘Recently used icons’ section on the ‘Create PIN’ screen:

  • PIN type will be broken down into 2 lines on ‘Create PIN’ screen


Select/Change Icon for the PIN

You can select the icon for the PIN from a list of predefined/system-supplied PIN icons. These icons identify the type of equipment whose location is being determined. The library of icons includes the name and an identifier image for the equipment. 

  • Click the ‘Change icon’ dropdown and select the new icon from the list – all the PIN icons will be available for selection from the drop-down list


  • Select the suitable icon to complete the icon selection procedure.

After the icon is selected, the general icon of the PIN is then updated and displayed on the drawing in the viewer. 


Create new custom PIN icon

If you want to add a new PIN icon which is not present in the system-supplied list of PIN icons, then you can create a new PIN icon (for an unlisted equipment).

If you do not tap the down-arrow of the drop-down and instead tap on the text area of the drop-down where the text ‘Change icon’ is present, then the cursor will start blinking on the tapped area. You can start entering the name of the custom PIN to search for an existing PIN or to create a new PIN. 

  • Start typing the name of the custom PIN in the selected area

When you type a new custom PIN name, the first few letters of which does not match with the name of any existing PIN, the list of PINs (from the drop-down) will not open.


If the first few letters of the PIN name matches with any existing PIN then the list will appear displaying the PINs whose first few letters match with the user-entered first few letters of the PIN. The matching PIN names appearing in the list are application-supplied or previously created custom PINs. 


For example, when you type ‘Air’ all the PIN names starting with the word ‘Air’ will appear. Let’s say, two existing PINs with name ‘Air Conditioner’ and ‘Air Handler’ are present in the app, then these two PIN names will appear on the list. 


Screenshot below displays the list of PINs matching the name of the PIN:


 The newly entered custom PIN icon name will take the first letter of each word in the icon name as the icon initials. For example, if the user-entered name of the icon is ‘Air Blower’ then the custom icon initials will be ‘AB’. Again, if user-entered name of the icon is ‘Water’ then the custom icon initial will be ‘W’.


  • After color selection, tap on the   [Tick]mark to complete creation of the custom icon.
  • Alternatively, you can tap on [Delete] sign to delete the icon

After creation of the custom PIN, it will appear on the list of PINs on the drop-down. 

Now, you can go ahead and create a new PIN based on the newly created PIN icon.


Restrictions on custom PIN creation

  1. No special character entry is allowed in the name of custom PIN. The name will be alphanumeric
  2. Minimum one-character entry is required to create a PIN, whereas the maximum permissible character length is 40
  3. No duplicate PIN creation is allowed (application restricted). If entered custom PIN name matches with existing application-supplied PIN name then application notify you with a message that “PIN name already exists, hence you can select that name from the list”
  4. No editing the name of custom PIN allowed