This section describes the folder/files operations that can be performed on the selected folder/file.

The file path breadcrumb shows full path of the selected folder/file. Home icon is there to move back to the root folder. The view of grid or list view will be retained when you return to the same screen from the earlier view.

If you select a single Folder, then you will get the Share, Download, Delete & under More options – Move to, Rename, Get info & Version history.


Screenshot below displays folder/file operations after selecting a folder:

If you select multiple Folders, then you will get the View changing option, Sorting option, Share & under More options – only the Move to & Delete option:

Now, If you navigate inside a folder and select a single file, then you will get the Share, Download, Delete & under More options – Move to, Copy, Rename, Get info & Version history.


You can do the following operations on selected box(es)/folder(s)/file(s) through this screen:

  • Click on the   [Share] button to share the selected folder(s)/file(s) to the intended recipient.
  • Click on the  [Download] button to download the selected folder(s)/file(s) on the local system.
  • Click on the   [More Options] button to open the dropdown where user will have more options to perform on that selected folder(s)/file(s).
  1. Click on the  [Move to] button to move the selected folder(s)/file(s) inside other folders of that box. One or more folders and files can be moved together.
  2. Click on the   [Rename] button to change the name of the selected folder/file.
  3. Click on the  [Get info] button to view information of the selected folder/file.
  4. Click on the   [Edit Properties] to edit/modify the file meta-data or attributes
  5. Click on the   [Version history] button to view the history of previous versions of the document.
  6. Click on the   [Copy] button to copy the selected files inside another folder (copy option is not available for folders)
  7. Click on the   [Delete] button to delete the selected folder(s)/file(s) from the ARC Facilities application

After selecting multiple Files you will get the View changing option, Sorting option, Share & under More options – only the Move to, Copy to & Delete option:


Select one or more folder and one or more file to get the View changing option, Sorting option, Share & under More options – only the Move to & Delete option:


The operations which can be performed on folder(s) and file(s) are also available by right clicking the desired folder and file after selecting it.

Screenshot below displays operations which can be performed by right clicking a file:


Screenshot below displays operations which can be performed by right clicking a folder:


Sharing Folder/File

Select the folder(s)/file(s) to be shared, then click the  [Share] button to initiate sharing of the selected folder(s)/file(s) from the app to chosen recipients’ email ID.

Clicking the ‘Share’ button will send a download link of the selected folders/files to other users via email generated from the app (default no. of days after which the link will expire is 10 days). The ‘Share link’ popup box appears after you click the ‘Share’ button.


Screenshot below displays the ‘Share’ link button:

  • Enter the email ID of the user(s) to whom you want to share the selected folders (with its contents) or selected files.

Screenshot below displays the ‘Share’ link popup box with the email ID populated:


  • Toggle the ‘Password protected’ switch to enter a password which needs to be entered by the recipient before downloading the shared folder(s)/file(s)


A password entry textbox appears, where you are required to enter the password. 

  • Click the ‘Date’ link to change the no. of days after which the download link will expire. By default, it is 10 days. After clicking this button, a calendar will open from where the sender can select the date & time after which the link will expire. This date cannot be before the current date (the date on which the link will be sent).
  • Click the ‘Copy link’ button to copy a downloadable link of the selected folder/file and paste it on message, chat, email (third-party like Gmail etc.) and then send to the recipient. In this case, the sender does not need to enter the sender email ID in the ‘Add email’ textbox and share from the application.
  • In the end, click [Share] button to share the folder to the intended recipient (whose email ID is entered).


After sharing is completed, the shared instance will be shown under the Shared history screen (which can be opened by clicking the   button) where the Shared Item(s), the users to whom the documents are shared, shared date, expiration date, user who shared and shared link is shown on the screen.


Recipient downloading a shared & password protected folder/file (s):

After sharing is complete the recipient receives an email containing a download link to the shared folder/file. When downloading files or folders, the recipient must enter a password shared manually by the sender (via text, email, call, etc.). If the recipient does not have the password, they can request it by clicking a link in the "Enter Password" pop-up. The application will then email the password to the recipient. This ensures only the intended recipient can access the files, enhancing security by preventing unauthorized access.

Download Folder/File

First select the folder(s)/file(s) to be downloaded, then click the  [Download] to initiate download of the selected folder(s)/file(s) from the app to your local system.

Selected folder(s)/file(s) download will start automatically in zipped format as soon as you click the [Download] button. 

Screenshot below displays the message which shows that folder/file download has started:


Delete Folder/File

To delete a folder/file select the folder(s)/file(s) to be deleted, click   [More options] menu and then on the opened up menu click the ‘Delete’ button (in both grid & list view) to initiate removal of the selected folder(s)/file(s) from the app.

Before final deletion, after you click the ‘Delete’ menu button, the app will display a confirmation message to you.

Screenshot below displays the deletion prompt message:


Click the [Yes] button to finally delete the selected folder(s)/file(s). A confirmation message that delete operation is successfully completed is shown.

Moving Folder/File

You can move one/multiple folder(s) or one/multiple file(s) inside another folder (under the same box).

First select the folder(s)/file(s) to be moved, then click the   [More options] menu and then on the opened-up menu you will click the ‘Move to’ button to start the move operation of folders/files inside any folder under the same campus or inside the Legacy module.


If you have not subscribed to the Legacy module, then the option to select the Legacy module as the destination will not appear.

  • Click the ‘Folders & files’ module button to navigate inside that module. 

After navigating inside the Folders & Files module the ‘Move to’ window displays all the folders (currently present) inside the same Folders & Files module, where the ‘to be moved’ folder(s)/file(s) are present (if there are no folders, then this window will appear blank). 

  • Click on the selected folder where you want to move the selected folder/file.

Screenshot below displays the ‘Move to’ window displaying all the folders inside the campus:

Perform a single-click on a folder to choose that folder as the destination folder where the selected folders/files will be moved or can double-click on a folder to navigate inside that folder and move the selected folders/files inside that folder or inside any sub-folder of that destination folder.


A search option is present inside the ‘Move’ modal window where you can search for folders (inside of which user will move the selected folder or file) using the folder name.

You can enter a search keyword which should match with a folder name and then click the ’Search’ button to ask the application to fetch the destination folder where the selected folders or files will be moved.

Once you single-click on a folder to choose that folder as the destination folder or create a new folder, then you will click [Move] button to move the selected folders/files inside the chosen destination folder.

Application will display a message that the folder/file has been successfully moved to the destination folder.

Rename Folder/File

You can rename only one selected folder or file (one at a time).

You will first select the folder/file to be renamed, then click the [More options] menu and then on the opened-up menu you will click the ‘Rename’ button to change the name of the selected folder or file. As soon as you click this option, the ‘Rename folder’ popup box appears.

Screenshot below displays the rename file popup box:



  • Edit the current name and click the [Submit] button to change the name of the chosen folder or file. 

The change is reflected on the screen after user closes the ‘Rename’ popup.

View info of Folder/File

You can view information of only one selected folder or file (one at a time).

You will first select the folder/file to view info of that selected folder/file, then click the   [More options] menu and then on the opened-up menu click the ‘Get info’ button to view info regarding the selected folder or file. As soon as you click this option, the ‘Folder/File detail’ panel from the right side of the screen will appear.

Screenshot below displays the folder info panel

The details of folder info will open as a side-panel from the right-side of the screen. This drawer will display the folder icon with name, the location of folder (under which folder it is present), the date on which the folder is created/uploaded, the date on which the folder or its content is modified and the user who created the folder. In case of folders only, this panel will also display the number of sub-folders and total number of files present inside it.

Screenshot below displays the file info panel:


The details of file info will also open as a side-panel from the right-side of the screen. This drawer will display the file icon with name, the thumbnail of the file, the description of the file, the discipline under which the file belongs, the user who uploaded the file, date on which the file is uploaded, file size and the no. of versions of the file with the display of the latest version. 

Edit Properties

You can choose to directly edit the properties (which includes file name, discipline & description) of the selected file. The ‘Edit properties’ option can be found by clicking the ‘More options’ button.

Clicking on this option, the popup to edit properties will appear.


You can change the name, discipline as well as description and click the [Save] button to update the information.


Copy files

You can copy files inside another folder except for the folder inside which it is currently present.

You will first select the file(s) to be copied, then click the   [More options] menu and then on the opened-up menu you will click the ‘Copy’ button to start the Copy operation of folders/files inside any folder under the same box.

The ‘Copy to’ window displays all the folders (currently present) inside the same box where the ‘to be copied’ file(s) are present (if there are no folders, then this window will appear blank). 

Screenshot below displays the ‘Copy to’ window displaying all the folders inside the Box:

You can single-click on a folder to choose that folder as the destination folder where the selected files will be copied or can double-click on a folder to navigate inside that folder and copy the selected files inside that folder or inside any sub-folder of that destination folder.

A search option is present inside the ‘Copy to’ modal window where you can search for folders (inside of which you will copy the selected folder or file) using the folder name.

You can enter a search keyword which should match with a folder name and then click the ’Search’ button to ask the application to fetch the destination folder where the selected folders or files will be copied.

Once you single-click on a folder to choose that folder as the destination folder or create a new folder, then click [Copy] button to Copy the selected files inside the chosen destination folder.

Application will display a message that the files have been successfully copied to the destination folder.


Viewing version history

You can view version history of a file when that same file is uploaded again at the same location with few modifications by clicking the ‘Version history’ button on the ‘More options’ menu.