This module will allow Facility Managers to maintain a Virtual Binder of compliance documents and track compliance status.

You can navigate inside the Compliance module after clicking the [Healthcare Compliance] button on the Dashboard screen of a campus.


Screenshot below displays the healthcare compliance module screen 

Compliance search from Campus list & Campus Dashboard will not be given, only search for compliance related items can be done from within Compliance module. Hence, Compliance search will be local.

Compliance search inside Compliance module – Minimum three numeric digits is also necessary here for search conduction. But if user enters 6 (one or two numeric digit), then word ‘EP’, ‘EC’ or ‘EM’ (depending on inside which Compliance Chapter user is currently present) is appended in front of the digit making it EP6, EC6 or EM6. Whereas if user enters minimum 3 numeric digit, EP is not appended in front in this case.


Note: Shared inspection when sent to anonymous user, when that user clicks the access link then a Security code (OTP) workflow will be triggered for accessing the shared inspection i.e. for view the shared inspection. This means when a user who receives the shared inspection clicks the shared inspection access link will first reach a screen to enter their credentials (mobile number or email) so that application can send a security to their entered mobile no. or email. In the next screen user needs to enter that security code and then after successful validation will get to access the shared inspection.