On the Forms screen click on the [Add template] button to upload a new template. A screen called ‘Upload template’ appears, through which user can upload a PDF template file from the local computer to ARC Facilities cloud.
Screenshot below displays the Upload template screen – for uploading new template in the app
- Click on the [Choose a file] button to upload a new template (in PDF) from the local system to ARC FACILITIES forms module.
Screenshot below displays template file selection for upload from the local computer drive
- Double-click on the chosen file or select one or more files and click the [Open] button to upload the template
After uploading the PDF file, it is displayed on the ‘Upload template’ screen.
Screenshot below displays the PDF file attached for uploading the template
- Application will automatically populate the template name from the attached PDF file’s name, if you want to edit it you can do so by manually entering the preferred name in the respective ‘Template name’ box.
- Choose the required approval type for forms created using this template by selecting from the dropdown which will open by clicking on the box present below the “Required approvals” text.
Screenshot below displays the type of approval selection drop-down
- No approval required– Selection of this option means no approval is required after submission of this form.
- Once a user submits the form, the status becomes ‘Approved’ and the form is no longer editable.
- No comment entry is allowed after submission of the form, as submission means automatic approval.
- Once a user submits the form, the status becomes ‘Approved’ and the form is no longer editable.
- Single approval required- After you select this option, select the email ID of one or more users (these users should have access to the campus for which the form is being created) who will have the authority to approve or reject the form to be generated from this template. The form is marked as approved or rejected when any one of the users marks the form as approved or rejected.
- The status of the form is updated to ‘Approved’ or ‘Rejected’, when any one of the users marks the form as approved or rejected. The other users in the approval list will see the status change but will not be able to make any status changes to the form.
- After a form has been marked ‘Approved’, the status is approved, and the form is no longer editable.
- After a form has been marked ‘Rejected’ the status is listed as rejected. If a user wants to resubmit, the user will select “Resubmit. Even after rejection comments can be entered by users having access to the form.
- All users with the ability to view the form can submit comments until the form is approved.
- The status of the form is updated to ‘Approved’ or ‘Rejected’, when any one of the users marks the form as approved or rejected. The other users in the approval list will see the status change but will not be able to make any status changes to the form.
As soon as the user selects this option the textbox ‘Select users who can approve, reject this form’ becomes enabled. This is shown below.
All account users are displayed in the drop-down. Users can select multiple users as approvers.
- All must approve- After you select this option, select the email ID of multiple users (these users should have access to the campus – admin, employee users, and/or shared users) who will have the authority to approve or reject the form to be generated from this template. All the users in the list must approve the form (created using this template) to make the status of the form as ‘Approved’.
- Any single user rejecting the form (before all the user in the list has approved the form) will cause the status to become ‘Rejected’.
- Only if all selected users approve the form, it is listed as ‘Approved’.
- Until all users approve, or any user rejects, the form is listed as ‘Pending’.
- After a form has been marked ‘Rejected’, the status is shown as rejected. If a user wants to resubmit, the user will select “Resubmit”. Even after rejection comments can be entered by users having access to the form.
- All users with the ability to view the form can submit comments until the form is approved.
- Any single user rejecting the form (before all the user in the list has approved the form) will cause the status to become ‘Rejected’.
As soon as the user selects this option the textbox ‘Select users who can approve, reject this form’ becomes enabled. This is shown below,
Screenshot below shows the approver selection for ‘All must approve’
All account users are displayed in the drop-down. Users can select more than one user as the approver.
- Click the [Add] link beside the Users to notify section to select the email ID of the users (these users should have access to the campus – admin, employee users, and/or shared users) who will get notification when the status of the form changes (status change means when the form created from this template is submitted, approved, rejected, a file/photo is attached, or a comment is added). Also, these users will receive notifications as per the schedule selection for form generation from the template.
Fig: Selection of users to be notified
- Click the [Set frequency] drop-down to select the frequency of when the form needs to be generated from the template – this could be daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, half-yearly, or annually. Then select a date on which the notification to generate the form will be sent to the user via email. On each recurring date after the scheduling period, a notification is sent to the user stating that the user needs to fill up the template and generate a report. The application sends this notification to the uploader of the template and any users selected in the ‘Users to notify’ section. This schedule selection is for input purposes only.
Note: The user needs to select a schedule again when this template is associated with an equipment. Hence, in the case of schedule selection during associating a template with an equipment, a notification is sent to the user’s email ID that a form needs to be generated from the template on the specific time & date based on the frequency set in the schedule selection. For example, if the start date is selected as 2nd May 2019 and frequency is set as ‘daily’, then every day (i.e. on 3rd May, 4th May & so on) at the same time the schedule is selected, a notification is sent to the user’s email ID asking the user to generate the form from the template.
Fig: Schedule selection of a template
- After selection of frequency of form generation, select the date on which form generation notification will be sent to the user.
- Enter any search tags under the Tags section. Any entered tag will be automatically associated with the template. The user may add multiple tags by separating them with a comma or semicolon. After addition, the tags are shown below the tag entry textbox.
Fig: Entering new tags
- Click the Save location link to choose a location where the forms created using this template will be saved after approval.
This location can be any folder within the Folders & Files module on the campus. Hence, all templates and forms are stored within the Forms module. But if the user changes the Save location then approved forms will be stored in the chosen location besides being present within the Forms module.
By default, all templates & forms created from these templates are stored inside the Forms module. The application will generate a consolidated PDF file which will consist of a form’s form data & the form’s meta-data after approval. This consolidated PDF file is stored inside the location chosen by the user from this link.
Users can use this uploaded template to create several forms. For example, using a template, users can create a daily scheduled form for updating information on a fire extinguisher (daily maintenance form of a fire extinguisher) or users can create a weekly scheduled form for updating information on an AC (weekly inspection form of an AC). The uploaded template is automatically saved under the Forms module.
- In the end, click on the [Save] button to save the uploaded template
The newly uploaded template is now displayed on the templates list screen.