Through this widget, you can view various emergency information under separate nested widgets like ‘Emergency plan’, ‘Safe refuge areas’ etc. and also find emergency service locations through a map or hyperlinked PDF file. The destination of this widget is user-determined and can be customized. Each emergency widget are segregated building-wise.
On opening the Emergency Information module, you are presented with the option to select a Building (using either a Campus Map or Building List) or select Campus Maps & Resources. The options presented following that choice are presented below.
Campus Map / Building List
- Building Selection (select from Campus Map or Building List)
Upon building selection, you will be navigated to the below shown screen which contains the below listed widgets.
- Emergency Plans (widget)
- Opens a folder which may contain a variety of content and sub-folders
- Emergency Contact List (widget)
- Displays a pre-defined document.
- Shutoffs (widget)
- Lists Floors for selection
- Opens Shutoff location map for the selected floor in the viewer.
- Lists Floors for selection
- Emergency Equipment (widget)
- Lists Floors for selection
- Opens Emergency Equipment location map for the selected floor in the viewer.
- Lists Floors for selection
- Life Safety Documents (widget)
Opens one of two options (pre-defined by Admin)
- Opens Admin defined/created additional maps
- Maps use the same floorplans as Shutoffs, Equipment, etc. but only display the items created on this map.
- Opens a folder which may contain a variety of content and sub-folders
- Floorplans (widget)
- Lists Floors for selection
- These floorplans use the same floorplans as Shutoffs, Equipment, etc.
- Lists Floors for selection
- SDS (widget)
Opens one of two options (pre-defined by Admin)
- Lists Floors for selection
- Opens SDS location map for the selected floor in the viewer.
- Opens a link to an outside resource (
- Other Maps & Resources (widget)
Opens one of two options (pre-defined by Admin)
- Opens Admin defined/created additional maps
- Maps should use the same floorplans as Shutoffs, Equipment, etc. but only display the items created on this map.
- Opens a folder which may contain a variety of content and sub-folders
- Campus Maps & Resources (widget)
Opens one of two options (pre-defined by Admin)
- Opens Admin defined/created additional maps
- Maps use the same campus map as above or may be replaced by different PDF maps.
- Example: Customer may use the Google map or a PDF campus map above but use a Site plan or Utility document for these maps.
- Opens a folder which may contain a variety of content and sub-folders
You can navigate to the campus map after clicking the ‘Emergency’ button on the left-side panel.
Once you enter the ‘Emergency’ module, you will be able to view the Buildings of the campus and the ‘Campus maps & Resources’ widget.
- Click on any of the buildings from the list and then Click on the [Manage widgets] button to open the various available emergency widgets as well as find the option to add customized widget.
- Click on the green plus sign to add a widget from the right panel inside the main emergency widget and then click on the red minus sign on the right panel to remove an existing widget
- Click on [Add custom widget] to create new custom widgets pertaining to emergency management
Destination of ‘Emergency Equipment’ widget:
When you click this widget, the floors of the Building will appear.
Screenshot below displays the floor of the building after clicking emergency equipment widget
You will have provision to delete a floor. Floor deleting from inside a widget (like Shut-off map, Equipment map etc.) will delete the entire floor along with its floor plan. So, if you delete a floor from inside the Shut-off map widget, then that floor becomes unavailable from inside other widgets as well like equipment map, Emergency etc.
So, when you click a floor, the floor plan of that floor of the Building will open through the Viewer in a new tab. This floor plan will display all the PINs which identify the location of the emergency equipment on the floor.
Note: This connection of floor plans with the concerned floor within the Emergency Equipment widget is done from back-end.
The pro-services or user admin will locate and create the PINs identifying the emergency equipment within the floor plan. Hence, after setup is completed, in case of emergency, the facility manager/worker will quickly open this floor plan to view/edit the emergency equipment information.
Destination of ‘Shut-off’ widget:
Shut-off in Building Plans & Emergency information - PINs will be same. So, when you go to Emergency information there will be widget through which you will be taken to exact same Shut-off map (for a specific Building and then a specific floor) when navigating from Building Plans (same shut-off map will open in both cases).
When you click this widget, the floors of the Building will appear.
You will have provision to delete a floor.
Floor deleting from inside a widget (like Shut-off map, Equipment map etc.) will delete the entire floor along with its floor plan. So, if you delete a floor from inside the Shut-off map widget, then that floor becomes unavailable from inside other widgets as well like equipment map, Emergency etc.
So, when you click a floor, the floor plan of that floor of the Building will open through the Viewer in a new tab. This floor plan will display all the PINs which identify the location of the shut-offs on the floor.
The pro-services or user admin will locate and create the PINs identifying the shut-offs within the floor plan. Hence, after setup is completed, in case of emergency where you need to open or close a shut-off, the facility manager/worker will quickly open this floor plan to view/edit the shut-off information.
Destination of ‘Floor Plans’ widget:
When you clicks the floor plans widget, all the floors within the Building will be listed. Once you clicks a floor plan, that floor plan will be loaded on the Viewer without displaying any PIN. You will be able to create PINs on these floor plan, but they will be displayed on the respective floor plan type.
Destination of ‘Emergency Plans’ widgets:
If you select the following widgets ‘Emergency Plan’ – all will point to a Folder (consisting of the necessary documents) within the Folders & Files module of the campus.
If the destination is not set for any of the above-mentioned widget, then when you click on the widget, the application will prompt you to set a folder/file as the destination from the Folders & Files module of the campus.
Screenshot below displays the popup screen to associate any Folder/File as the destination for the ‘Emergency Plan’ widgets:
Once the destination is set, when you click on any of the widgets you will be navigated inside the folder (set as destination) in Folders & Files module in case the destination is a folder, or you will be navigated to view a file opened through the Viewer in case the destination is a file.
Destination of other Emergency widgets:
If you select the following widgets ‘Emergency Contact Lists’, ‘Life Safety Documents’ or ‘SDS’ – the destination selection popup will appear consisting of the options to select nested widgets, floor plans or any folders & files (from Folders & Files module of the campus) as the destination of these widgets.
Screenshot below displays the popup screen to associate any Folder/File as the destination for the ‘Emergency Contact Lists’, ‘Life Safety Documents’ or ‘SDS’ widgets: