On the View equipment screen, users can view the Maintenance / Inspection form templates associated with equipment.

  • Click on the [See all] link to view all the templates associated with the equipment 
  • Click on the [Add] button to associate more template(s) with the equipment. Users will be redirected to the Form templates screen of the ‘Forms’  module.


  • Click on the [+ Upload] button to upload a new template in the app.
  • Click on the templates to associate the template with the equipment. The already associated templates with the equipment are not enabled (or not available for selection).
  • Click on the [Create] button to create a new form from the associated template. The ‘Create form’ screen will appear under a separate tab of the browser window.



  • Click on the [Edit] button to change the schedule of the particular template.


  • Click on the [Delete] button to remove the association of the template from the equipment.
  • Click on the template row (name) to view the forms already created using this template. The user will be navigated inside the template to view the forms.


The name of the screen is the name of the template within which a user has entered. This screen will display the ‘Pending’ and ‘History’ tabs. Under the ‘Pending’ tab, all forms created using this template with status as Draft, Pending and Overdue will be displayed (as shown in the screenshot above).

  • Click on an available form to view/edit/submit the form.
  • Click on the   [Delete] button to delete the form from the application (only forms with the status draft, pending, and overdue can be deleted).
  • Click on the [+ Add] button to create a new form under the template.

Once the form is approved/rejected it will be visible under the History tab. Hence, under the ‘History’ tab, all forms created using this template with the status as Approved or Rejected will be displayed (as shown in the screenshot below).


  • Click on an available form to view that form (in case of an approved form request) or to view/resubmit that form (in case of the rejected form).