From inside the Dashboard of a campus, click the [O&M] module option from the left-panel to view the three widgets inside the module.
On opening the O&M module, you are presented with the options to select Equipment Maps, Equipment List or O&M Documents (Unassociated).
The options presented following that choice are presented below.
1. Equipment Maps (widget)
- Building Selection (select from Campus Map or Building List)
- List of Floors for selection
- Opens Equipment Location map for the selected floor.
- List of Floors for selection
2. Equipment List (widget)
- Opens Equipment list
3. O&M Documents (Unassociated) (widget)
- Opens a folder which may contain a variety of content and sub-folders
Screenshot below displays the O&M module widgets
- Click the [Manage widgets] button on the top right-corner of the screen to open the right-panel from where you hide or unhide any widget out of the three displayed on the screen.
You can add these modules or remove these modules from the screen. You can click on any of the three widgets displayed within this module to set up or navigate inside those widgets (if already set up).