Through this module you can view building location on a map, navigate inside a building to view the widgets inside it (if already configured).

Note: The configuration of a campus module which includes identifying buildings on a map and then adding widgets inside a building can only be done by the owner or admin user of the campus, all other users can access the campus map and widgets inside a building on the map.

  • Click on [Building Plans] on the dashboard to navigate inside the building plans module of that particular campus.

After opening the Building Plans module, you can select a Building (using either a Campus Map or Building List) or select Maps & Resources. The options presented following that choice are presented below.

  1. Campus Map / Building List
  1. Building Selection (select from Campus Map or Building List)
    1. As-Builts List View (widget)
      • Lists the folders containing As-Built drawings for selection
        • Opens Cover sheet of the As-Built drawing set in viewer
    2. As-Builts Map View (widget)
      • Lists Floors for selection 
        • Displays Map of Renovations on the selected Floor
          • Selecting a renovation opens the Cover Sheet of that set in the viewer.
    3. Shutoffs (widget)
      • Lists Floors for selection 
        • Opens Shutoff Location map for the selected floor in the viewer.
    4. Maps & Resources (widget)

Opens one of two options (pre-defined by Admin).

  • Opens Admin defined/created additional maps
    • Maps use the same floorplans as Shutoffs, Equipment, etc. but only display the items created on this map.
  • Opens a folder which may contain a variety of content and sub-folders
  1. Maps & Resources (widget)

Opens one of two options (pre-defined by Admin).

  1. Opens Admin defined/created additional maps
    • Maps use the same campus map as above or may be replaced by different PDF maps.
    • Example: Customer may use the Google map or a PDF campus map above but use a Site plan or Utility document for these maps.
  2. Opens a folder which may contain a variety of content and sub-folders


You can navigate to the campus map after clicking on the Building Plans module on the Dashboard screen.

The default view when you navigate inside the Building Plans module is Map view and your preference will be saved (last time when you accessed the Building Plans module) which can be either Map view or Card view.


Screenshot below displays the identified building locations of a campus on Google map:


  • Click on a specific building map to view the widgets inside the building. 
  • Click on [Card view] button to load the card view of campus buildings where name of each building identified within the campus are displayed in a list.

Screenshot below displays buildings in card view:


  • Click on the [Settings]   button to open the campus map screen to edit the annotated building area or annotate new building area or edit existing building information (including building name & attached floor plans)


Note: Via website in one shot, you can edit all points of multiple annotations (marked up area over buildings) of multiple buildings. Whereas, in device, each building annotation (marked up area over buildings) can only be edited separately after tapping on each area separately. Also, map is locked in edit mode.


  • On the Building Plans root screen, click on [Card view] button to move back to the screen where the buildings are listed. 
  • Click on the [More options] button to delete or edit the building name


On clicking [Edit] button for a building, there are options to change the Building name, change the floor name and floor plan, remove a floor or add a new floor with uploading of a new floor plan of the floor.


To change the floor plan of a floor, you can click on the attached floor plan and a popup will appear through which user will be able to attach a different floor plan from the local system.

For shared campus, building editing option will not be there.

On clicking the [Delete] option for a building, a warning message appears which displays that the building along with all its linked data is being deleted from the campus.

If user clicks [Yes], then the Building with its linked data will be deleted from the application.

Maps & Resources

Through this widget you can associate any file (which can be an alternate campus map) residing in the Folders & Files module which can be opened through Viewer after clicking on this widget.

You can select a folder or navigate inside a folder to select a file as the destination for this widget.


Any folder and file within the Folders & Files module can be set as destination for this widget.

You have the ability to edit this widget to change the destination (select another file as destination).

  • Buildings - You can click on a specific building name to view the widgets inside the building which includes four specific widget.


Screenshot below displays the 4 widgets inside a specific building:


As-builts list view

Once you click this widget, you will be navigated inside the Folders & Files module within which the As-Builts folder containing the As-builts lists are available. Select the As-Builts cover file (containing links to all the As-Builts renovation files) residing within the As-Builts List View folder as destination of this widget. Within the folder there might be 100 child folders containing renovation/remodeling plans of various years/months  – default view will be list view of folder structure of As-Builts.

So, after setup, when you navigate through this widget, you will directly open the As-Builts folder and then open the main As-Builts list file which contains links to all the As-Built map files residing in the same Folders & Files module.

Screenshot below displays an As-Builts list view file:



As-builts map view

Clicking this will open the floors setup during campus map. Clicking any one floor will open the As-Builts floor plan where the modified areas of the floor will appear annotated.

As-Builts map view – these maps which are actually floor plans where the As-Built portions are marked will have to be manually attached with each floor – these files will be uploaded inside the Folders & Files module and the structure created. 

As soon as you click this map button, the floor list in the campus appears.

You can click the ‘More options' button to edit/delete the floor. 

  • Click the [Delete] button to delete the floor. 

Floor deleting from inside a widget (like Shut-off map, Equipment map etc.) will delete the entire floor along with its floor plan. So, if you delete a floor from inside the Shut-off map widget, then that floor becomes unavailable from inside other widgets as well like equipment map, Emergency etc.


Clicking on a floor will enable you to  select the destination from the ARC Facilities (i.e. from the Folders & Files module of the campus).


After setup is completed, once you navigate inside this widget, then enter a building and after that click on a floor, the As-Builts map view of the floor will open containing the annotations which mark the areas that have undergone changes during various times. This marked areas will be hyperlinked to open the detailed renovation files. 

Screenshot below displays an As-Builts map view file:

This connection of the As-Built map view with the various As-builts map floor-wise for each building of the campus separately will be done manually by the Pro-services team. 

After set up once you click on the widget, the associated As-Built map view of the concerned floor will open up through the app Viewer.

As-Builts list view file & the As-Builts map view files will be kept together inside Folders & Files module, outside the Systems folder – this is because the links present within the As-Builts map view of a floor will connect to the various renovation/remodeling plans of various years/months each of which are linked to the As-Builts list view file.

Other maps & Resources

Through this widget you can associate any file (which can be an alternate campus map) residing in the Folders & Files module which can be opened through Viewer after clicking on this widget. Also, you can setup any nested widget inside this widget to open any file.

You can click ‘Add widget’ to add any nested widget having various different destinations (this is explained later in the document) or you can click ‘Select folder / file’ to select any folder or file residing within the Folders & Files module of the campus as the destination.

Shut-off map 

Clicking this will open the floors setup during campus map. Clicking any one floor will open that floor plan where you need to locate the Shut-offs on the floor plan by creating PINs. 

You can choose to edit or delete a floor plan from here.

After clicking [Edit], you can change the name of the floor plan.

 You can click the [Delete] button to delete the whole floor plan.

After setup is completed, you can navigate to the floor plans and view/edit the PINs which identify the Shut-offs on the floor plan.


The same floor plan for a specific floor will be associated with Emergency map, Equipment map & Shut-off map of that floor (each of these are under separate modules) – Hence, each of these 3 maps will display only that category of PINs (for example, the Equipment map of a floor will display the Equipment PINs of that floor) – hence it becomes imperative to segregate the PINs based on PIN category of each of the 3 maps (which are the same floor plan) as in current ARC Facilities these are same floor plan but uploaded separately as 3 different files within respective modules – for this category logic will have to be added, location already covered in DB – floor plans will be located under ‘Systems folder’.

Adding/removing widgets inside a building

Existing widgets inside the building can be removed based on user discretion and also new widgets (pre-defined or customized) can be added. From inside the campus building, you can add/remove configurable widgets.

Once a widget is removed from the dashboard or from inside module, the destination of the widget gets automatically reset (i.e. the destination of the widget is wiped out or removed).

  • Click on a specific building to view/add widgets inside the building
  • Once inside the building click on the [Manage Widgets] button to navigate to open the right-side panel on the screen.

Screenshot below displays the option to ‘Manage widgets’ inside a building:

All the available widgets will appear on a right-side panel on this screen after clicking this button.


Screenshot below displays all the available widgets on the right-side panel

This screen has two portions: the added widgets (these are already selected to be added under the building – shown as card view) which could be a pre-defined widget or a custom widget and the not added widgets – this includes pre-defined widgets and custom widgets (these are not selected yet to be added under the building – shown on the right-side panel).

  • Click the plus sign (green color) beside any widget on the right-side panel (for example, ‘Floor Plans’) to add this widget under the building.

As soon as you click this plus button, user needs to select the destination of the widget which includes,

  1. Add Widgets
  2. Go to floors
  3. Select file

Screenshot below displays the ‘Select your widget destination’ popup box:


  • Click the minus sign (red color) on the top of already added widget to remove this widget from the building.
  • Also, you can add any customized widget by clicking the ‘Add custom widget’ button under the new widget list.

Note: Please click here to know how to create and add a custom widget inside a building.

Selecting widget destination

On the Widget destination screen there are three options:

  • Add widgets: Clicking this button will allow you to add one or more (multiple) widgets under the current widget (nested widget – like adding a folder under another folder). For example, under the widget ‘Emergency Plans’, you can add another set of customized widgets like ‘Emergency location of fire extinguishers’ and ‘Emergency location of Coolers’.
  • Go to floors: Clicking this button will open the floor selection pop-up under the building. You can select any one of the floor plan. So, when you click this widget the plan of the selected floor will open on the app Viewer.
  • Select file: Clicking button will allow you to select a folder/file as destination from within the Folders & Files module of the campus, such that the selected file opens directly on the app Viewer.

To remove a widget destination: Once a widget is added and displayed on the screen and destination is set up, if you remove that widget, then the destination will be reset (i.e. the destination will be removed).

Adding widgets under an existing widget

You can add pre-defined or custom widgets under an existing widget to get the option of accessing nested widgets under a widget. You can click the ‘Add widgets’ button on the popup and then click the ‘Manage widgets' button on the blank screen to add a widget from the opened up right-side panel.

For example, you can access a building under which there is widget ‘Emergency plans’ 


Then after adding this widget, you can click on that widget and add two Custom widgets under it.

Now clicking this widget will open another two customized widgets ‘Emergency location of fire extinguishers’ and ‘Emergency location of coolers’. Clicking these two widgets will specifically open the floor plan identifying fire extinguishers and coolers, respectively (which has to be set through ‘Select your widget destination’ popup). 

  • On the ‘Select your widget destination’ popup (shown in screenshot above) click on ‘Add widgets’ button to add nested widgets 

The selected widget is now added and shown on the screen.

  • Navigate inside the widget and then proceed to add more widget under that widget (for example, you can add more widgets under the widget ‘Emergency Plans’)
  • Click on [Manage widgets] button to add more widgets under this widget from the right-side menu bar.
  • And then on the nested widgets select the floor plans where the location of the respective items (Fire extinguishers and Coolers) are present.

    Selecting file as widget destination

You can upload a file from their local computer or associate a file from the Folders & Files module of the campus, such that when you click that widget, that selected file will open through the app Viewer.

  • On the ‘Select your widget destination’ popup, click ‘Select file’ to set the widget destination, as a file uploaded from the local computer, or a file selected from the Folders & Files module of the campus.


Screenshot below displays the destination file selection screen:


  • Select the location from where you want to upload and attach the file, from the campus Folders & Files module 
  • After file selection, click the [Done] button to complete file selection.

So, when you navigate inside this building and click the widget a file will open through the app Viewer.

Selecting floor plans as widget destination

You can select floor plans of a building (these floor plans are uploaded when identifying and creating the buildings during campus map setup) as the destination of a widget. 


  • On the ‘Select your widget destination’ popup, click ‘Go to floors’ to set the widget destination as any one of the floor plans of the building (these plans are uploaded and setup for each floor of the building during setting up map for campus) 
  • After selecting this destination, the widget is added on the main screen.

So, when user clicks this newly added widget, user is navigated to the screen displaying all the floor plans of the building and from where user can click a floor plan to open that floor plan through the app Viewer.


So, after creating the widget, next time when user clicks on this floor, the floor plan opens through the App Viewer.

Navigating through widget as per destination

You can click a widget to navigate inside specific floor plans of a building, open a specific file or reach the screen where other widgets inside that widget is present, depending on the destination set for the widget.

Each of these widgets are configured to open a different type of destination. For example, the Emergency plans’ widget is configured to open other widgets, the ‘Floor Plans’ widget is configured to open any one of the floor plans of the building, the ‘Emergency Exits’ widget is configured to open a specific file.


Destination as other widgets:

  • Click on Emergency plans’ widget (where widget destination is other widgets) and a new screen will open displaying the pre-defined or customized widgets added under it.

Let’s say, two customized widgets ‘Emergency location of fire extinguishers’ and ‘Emergency location of coolers’ are added under the widget Emergency plans’


Depending on what is set for these two nested widgets, you will be able to open a file, open a floor plan or navigate to yet another widget by clicking these widgets. For the example above, the floor plans displaying the location PINs of fire extinguishers and coolers will appear when you click these two widgets.


Destination as floor plans:

  • Click on the ‘Floor Plans’ widget (where widget destination is set as floor plans) to open the ‘Select floor’ popup
  • Click on a floor plan to view that floor plan through the Viewer.

Destination as file:

  • Click on ‘Emergency Exits’ (where widget destination is set to load a file on the Viewer) to open the connected file through the app Viewer where all the Emergency exits are identified.

Adding custom widget inside a building

  • Move inside a campus to reach campus dashboard from the campus list screen
  • Click on the ‘Building Plans’ widget on the dashboard to view the campus map with the identified buildings or view the buildings inside the campus in card view
  • Click on a building either through the map or from the card view

The existing widgets inside the building will be visible (previously added) or this screen might be blank if no widget is added yet.


  • Click on [Manage widget] button to open the widgets panel on the right side of the screen
  • Click on [Add custom widget] button to create a new custom widget.

The popup screen called Custom widget will now appear.

Screenshot below displays the Custom widget popup:


  • Enter the name of the widget and any description of the widget (for example, enter the name of the widget as ‘Parts’)
  • Click the custom widget logo icon selection section to choose an icon for the widget

Widget icon selection screen will now appear.

Screenshot below displays the widget icon selection screen:

  • Click on an icon from the list of system-supplied icons and that icon is displayed on the top left portion of the screen.
  • Click on color button (present at the top right corner of the icon thumbnail) to choose the color of the icon

Screenshot below displays the color selection of icon:


  • Choose the color (also you can select the intensity of the color) and the color of the icon will change accordingly
  • After icon selection, enter the name of the widget (you can select the default name of the icon if you choose a system-supplied icon) and also any description (entry of description is optional).
  • Click on [Create] button to create the widget.

As soon as you create the Custom widget, the widget destination popup appears. 



After selecting destination, the newly created Custom widget is shown on the screen.


The newly selected widget is displayed under the building, along with other widgets on the left-side of the screen.

Custom widgets can be reusable in other campuses as well.


Hence when you type the name of the custom widget there will be option to select a Custom widget name from the option (matching the entered name) from other campuses or from the same campuses.


You will be able to edit/change icon, name & description of the custom widget or delete the widget from the ‘More options’ button on the right-side panel beside the Custom widget name.

Screenshot below displays the delete and edit option for custom widget