The campus dashboard screen will appear when you navigate inside a campus from the Campus list screen or immediately after campus map setup.
The campus dashboard will be fully customizable, and you can add or remove widgets inside the dashboard.
Screenshot below displays the Dashboard of a newly created campus (with the left-panel displaying the modules of the Dashboard)
Note: Dashboard displays only those modules which are subscribed or activated (purchased).
You can click the slider button under the panel to completely hide the panel.
You can reopen the panel by clicking the button.
The dashboard of the campus shows 9 widgets which are available up-front although you can replace these widgets anytime. These 9 widgets are:
- Shut-offs
- Forms
- Folders & Files
- Construction Projects
- Legacy Documents
- Building Plans
- Emergency information
- Healthcare Compliance
- O&M
Note: Any user who has access to the campus can choose the layout of the dashboard of the campus. The users of the campus can decide which widgets to keep and which widgets not to keep on the dashboard. Hence, different widgets may be visible on the dashboard of the same campus for different users.
Module Widgets:
- Building Plans (campus menu widget) –
Clicking this widget on the dashboard opens a map view that displays the buildings marked during campus creation. On the above right corner of the map view there is a “Maps & Resources” button available.
- Maps & Resources – Inside this widget you can attach or associate Folders/Files from the Folders & Files module of the campus.
Opens one of two options (pre-defined by Admin).
- Opens Admin defined/created additional maps
Maps use the same campus map as above or may be replaced by different PDF maps.
Example: You may use the Google map or a PDF campus map above but use a Site plan or Utility document for these maps.
- Opens a folder which may contain a variety of content and sub-folders
Note: Wherever there are Buildings, the ‘Maps & Resources’ widget will be present. If you want you can also create folders from this screen.
Once the folder is created it will automatically direct you to the newly created folder. Now if you click on [Set Folder/File] it will link the Maps & resources to that specific folder.
Clicking on a building from the map view will make four default widgets appear. These are:
- As-Builts: List View - Clicking this will allow you to create custom widget under it and through that custom widget you can associate a list of As-Builts (open a PDF doc).
- As-Builts: Map View - Clicking this will open the floors setup during campus map. Clicking any one floor will open that floor plan where you need to locate the As-builts on the map using PINs.
- Shut-off - Clicking this will open the floors setup during campus map. Clicking one floor will open that floor plan where you need to locate the Shutoffs on the map using PINs.
- Other Maps & Resources – Clicking this will open a pop-up window containing options like Add custom widgets and select Folder/File to associate with the campus map.
- Construction Projects
Clicking this module navigates you inside the Construction Projects module of the campus where various info related to the campus construction are stored. The Construction Projects module allows you to create custom widgets which in turn will be linked to Folders residing in Folders & Files module. The linked folder contains various hyperlinked files.
- Folders & Files
Clicking this feature will navigate you inside the Folders & Files section of the campus.
- Emergency Information
Clicking this module will navigate you inside the Emergency module of the campus. The following widgets will appear inside this module:
- Emergency equipment – Inside this widget there will be Buildings, then Floors and clicking each floor will open the Floor plan where the Emergency equipment on the specific floor will be identified using PINs.
- Shut-offs – Inside this widget there will be Buildings, then Floors and clicking each floor will open the Floor plan where the Emergency shut-offs on the specific floor will be identified using PINs.
- Other emergency documents – Inside this widget, you will be able to create Custom widget and through that you can connect to Folders/Files inside Folders & Files module. The linked files will be other emergency documents needed in a campus.
- Other maps - Inside this widget, you can create Custom widget and through that you can connect to Folders/Files inside Folders & Files module. The linked files will be various emergency maps within a campus.
- Healthcare Compliance
Clicking this module will navigate you inside the Compliance module of the campus.
- O&M
Clicking this module will navigate you inside the O&M Documentation (Equipment) module of the campus.
- Equipment Maps - Inside equipment map widget you can set up separate buildings of the campus and inside each building you can set up various floors. Through each floor you can navigate to the floor plan where all the equipment location will be displayed through PINs.
- Equipment List – Will navigate you inside the Equipment module where the list of equipment will be visible, and you can include new equipment info.
- O&M Docs folder – You can configure to open any folder or file through Viewer (for folder/file inside the Folders & Files module) through this widget.
- Forms (this is essentially a feature)
Clicking this module will navigate you inside the Form module of the campus.
- Legacy Documents
Clicking this module will navigate you inside the Legacy Documents module of the campus.
Menu widgets:
- Shut-off Map (campus menu widget)
Inside shut-off map you can set up separate buildings of the campus and inside each building you can set up various floors. Through each floor you can navigate to the floor plan where all the shut-off location will be identified through PINs.
- As-builts Map (campus menu widget)
Inside As-builts map widget you can set up separate buildings of the campus and inside each building you can set up various floors. Through each floor you can navigate to the floor plan for locating the As-builts areas on the map using annotations/markups.
- Emergency
Navigation button to emergency info and emergency service locations on the buildings. Through these navigation buttons you can either open a PDF file (through Viewer) or go to any floor plan or add more widgets.
- Events
Inside events you can create widgets which will enable you to include planning of any events or gatherings that might be scheduled for the campus.
- Floor plans
Inside this widget you can create and find buildings, then through buildings will find each floor and then through each floor will be able to open the respective floor plans. If this structure is not added during campus creation then you can find the option to create the structure through this widget.
- Equipment map
Clicking this will open the floors setup during campus map. Clicking any one floor will open that floor plan where you need to locate the Equipment on the map using PINs.
On the left-side panel:
- Navigation button to return to campus dashboard if you are in any other module (on Dashboard this will appear as selected)
- Navigation button to Building Plans
- Navigation button to view list of equipment and edit/create equipment
- Navigation button to view list of forms and edit/create forms
- Navigation button to Compliance module
- Navigation button to Folders & Files module
- Navigation button to Construction Projects
- Navigation button to Legacy Documents module