After signing in, you will land on the Campus list screen or if it is your second time login then you will land on the dashboard of the campus you had previously accessed. Under each campus there are separate dynamic widgets and static modules.

Screenshot below displays the Campus list screen – in grid view:



On Grid view of the Campus dashboard screen – For each campus slab, the name of the campus, the campus address (location) is displayed along with an option   which redirects you to your device’s default map to view the campus location.

On List view of the Campus dashboard screen – For each campus, the name of the campus, Address of the campus is displayed along with an option   which redirects you to your device’s default map to view the campus location.

There is a three-dot option available for every campus, clicking on which opens a drop-down with the following options:

  1. Campus info: Shows information about the campus like, small map view of the campus, Owner name, Location, Creation date & Number of buildings present.
  2. User management: Navigates you to the user management screen of the application, from where you can add users to that specific campus, also create a group and assign users to your account.
  3. Delete campus: Opens a confirmation pop up asking you to confirm the deletion of the campus. Click [Yes] to delete the campus.
  4. Activity report: Opens an activity report page which displays all the recent activities performed on that particular campus.
  5. Recycle bin: Opens the recycle bin page of the campus where you can see the deleted files from the campus.

Screenshot below displays the Campus list screen – in list view:


The list will display all the campuses along with the campus address. Although, you may change this list to campuses which you created or view campuses to which you have been given permission to access by other users.

The grid view displays the campus image which is uploaded during campus creation.

Note: If you create duplicate campus with same name in your account it will throw a message saying, “Campus already exists!”.

Creating campus

Account owners and users with full access are able to add new campus in the app. Adding new campus means locating the campus area on the map (opened through the app). After locating the campus area, you can identify each campus building, set up the no. of floors in each building and upload architectural plans of each floor in PDF format. 


Note: Only users having a paid subscription will have authority to create campus, shared users cannot create campus unless they purchase subscription.


  • Click on [Add Campus] button on the Campus List screen to start creating the campus

Screenshot below displays the campus name entering screen:


  • Enter the preferred campus name and click [Setup campus] to successfully create the campus.
  • A map view will open, you can type the location of your campus to shift the map view to that specific location and then zoom into the map to locate your campus successfully.

Note: If you enter the name of the campus and then click the [Skip setup] to create a campus without locating the campus on a map. This will create a campus with only name, and you will be navigated inside the dashboard of that particular campus. 

You can click   Campus icon to upload a campus image from local system.


Note: If the app has permission, then on the map the current location of the campus will appear (this is subject to the fact whether the device where the app is being operated from is located within the campus premises).

If the app doesn’t have location service enabled to get the device location from where the app is being operated from, then a blank page will appear where instructions will be provided to you to enable the browser to ask or provide permission to ARC Facilities app to get the location of the device.


Campus info & Delete campus

You can click the   [More options] button on the campus name block to view the more options menu for a campus.

Screenshot below displays the more options menu in the campus list screen 

Campus info:

Click the [Campus info] button to view the campus details on a panel which opens on top of the Campus list screen from the right-side .

The details include the name of the campus, a static location map of the campus with the building identified (as marked by the user), owner name, address, date of campus creation, no. of buildings & floors in the campus.

Screenshot below displays the campus info in the campus list screen

  You can click the [ ] button (under the campus map) to change the campus name and add/change campus location. A popup called ‘Edit campus info’ will appear where you can change the campus name and also enter/change the campus location.

Note: For shared campus, editing the campus info option will not be available.

Screenshot below displays the ‘Edit Campus Info’ pop-up


You can enter keywords in the address section and the application will display matching addresses (fetched using Google API or Apple API depending on the device) on the search drawer.


In the end, click the [Save] button to update the campus name and address. This action will close the right-side panel, and the Campus name & address will appear updated on the Campus slab on the Campus list screen.

Delete campus:

Click on [Delete campus] button to delete the whole campus from the account

Note: If you are a shared user on another account and don’t have full access to the campus, the delete option will not be available for shared campuses.

A prompt will appear through a popup which will ask for confirmation of campus deletion.


Screenshot below displays the ‘Delete campus’ prompt in a pop-up


Campus map view 

Once you click on the [Setup campus] button the application will navigate you to the map view from where you can locate your campuses.

Note: If your location services are not on by default for the application, the below shown screen will appear asking you to enable location services or you can proceed with uploading a static campus map image by clicking on [Upload campus map] button present on the screen.

Screenshot below displays the newly created campus screen without the location services enabled

When you click [Allow] to grant the app permission to access your device's location, Google Maps will load in the background and display your device's location.

Uploading/Locating your campus on the map

You can either upload your campus map via [Upload campus map] button or perform a search on the search bar present at the top of the screen which will fetch your campus location in the map view.


Uploading static campus map:

You can upload a static image of your campus map showing all campus buildings by clicking the [Upload Campus Map] button in the campus map selection area. This option is useful if the app's location service is unavailable, or you haven't granted the app permission to access your device's location.

Screenshot below displays the [Upload campus map] button highlighted in red rectangular box


After you select a static image from the local system drive, a popup appears where you need to enter the campus location through the ‘Campus address’ entry popup.

Screenshot below displays the ‘Campus address’ popup to enter the address of your campus


You can enter keywords in the search location section and the application will display matching addresses (fetched using Google API or Apple API depending on the device) on the search drawer.

  • After entering any specific address, click [Add] to upload the map successfully.

Locating your campus map via searching:

You can also opt for locating your campus map via searching on the search bar manually.


  • Identify the area of the campus and click the [Next] button to mark (identify) the building area of the campus.


  • Once the enlarged map view of the campus area appears, select any one of the mark-up tools (which is free-hand drawing or simple rectangle) and then draw on a campus building to select that building.

As soon as you draw the annotation on the building, the ‘Create building’ popup appears.

Screenshot displaying the textbox where the name of the building to be entered:



  • On the ‘Create building’ popup enter the name of the building.

Note: You can click the [Skip floor setup] button to create a campus without naming the building on a map. 

First it will ask you “Do you want to create this building without setting floors?” through a pop-up prompt. If you click [Set now] it will again redirect you to floor setup section and if you click [Set later] it will close the pop-up.

  • Enter the name of the building in the text box, example: Main building.
  • Either click [Skip floor setup] button to finish campus area and building selection 


  • Click the [Setup floors] button to determine the number of floors, enter name of each floor and upload floor plans (in PDF format) of each floor

Screenshot displaying the floor setup screen of the marked building where user needs to enter the no. of floors:


  • Enter the number of floors present in the building, example: 3 and click [Next] button to proceed to enter the floor names and attach the floor plans.


The app displays the number of textboxes where user can enter the floor name & attach the relevant floor plans, matching the no. of floors entered in the above popup. If user entered 3 as the no. of floors in the building, then the no. of textboxes displayed will be 3.

Screenshot below displays the main building floor names setup popup

  • Enter the name of the floor within the respective textbox.

 Screenshot below displays the floors names entered in the respective textboxes 

  • Click the  [Attach] button to upload floor plans (in PDF format) for the floor from your local system.

Then keep on adding the floor names & attach plans according to the no. of floor plan you entered. Floor name will appear as auto-suggestion on the Floor name entry textbox as soon as you try to enter the floor name.

Note: Adding floor plan is mandatory while creating floor, otherwise [Create] button will stay disabled.

Screenshot displaying the floor plan attached to the floor: 

You can click the   button to reupload a new floor plan from computer.

  • Click the [Add floor] button to enter the name and upload floor plan for more floors (in case a need arises to add more floors).

In this way, you will be able to set up multiple floors of a building inside the campus.

  • If you want to delete the floor plan, then click the ‘Cross’ icon to remove the floor plan attachment
  • After setting up all the floors, click [Create] button to complete configuring the building.

The application will now display the configured building on the map with the name of the building.

Similarly, you can select more buildings within the campus area, one by one configure the building (i.e. enter names of each building, set up floors of each building and upload floor plans for each floor of each building).


Screenshot displaying the configured building of a campus:


After drawing a building, you have the option to change the color of the drawn region.

  • You can click on the marked-up area of the building to edit the building information and floor details. The ‘Edit building’ popup will appear.


On the ‘Edit Building’ popup you can change the name of the building, change name of the existing floors, delete/change the associated floor plans and add more floors. 

You can click the outside ‘Cross’ icon to remove the floor altogether and click the inside ‘ ’ icon (beside the floor name) on the attached floor plan to remove the attached floor plan and reupload a new floor plan.

  • In the end, click [Save] button to update the building information.
  • Click [Done] button on the top right corner of the screen to move inside the newly created campus to view the Dashboard (Campus Home) screen of the campus.

Alternatively, if you want to change the color of the annotated area of the building before finishing the map setup then click on the   icon (on the top right-side of the screen).

Screenshot displaying the color selection palette to change the color of the annotated area:


Also, if you want to change the annotated area, then click on the   icon.

Five white colored position boxes will appear on the annotated area (4 on each corner and 1 at the middle of the annotated area). You can drag the four corners around to change the shape, increase/decrease the size of the annotated area or can press on the middle of the annotated area to move the area around and therefore at a different position on the map.

Note: To exit the edit mode, click on [Exit edit mode] to successfully exit out of the edit mode.


After making necessary adjustments to the annotated area, click the  button to save the changes to the annotated area.

In the end, click the [Save] button to create the campus map and directly land on the Campus Dashboard.