The Manage user settings let you add and manage account users. Follow the given procedure to access the User list Screen.
to the ARC Facilities application
Click on
button at the top right-side corner of the screen to access the Settings Main Menu. This menu is displayed below.
3. On the 'Settings' menu click on the Manage Users menu item [highlighted in the screenshot above] to access the User list screen.
The screenshot below displays the User list screen:
Information viewed on the screen:
The total number of seats (licenses) the current logged-in user has access to, the number of licenses used & the number of licenses still available to the user. Each seat (license) represents a user. Each used up license (user) information is displayed in the grid view below.
You can view the user name, Work phone & email ID of the users.
Operations that can be performed on this screen:
Click on
button to add new users. Addition of one user means reduction in one seat (license). Refer Adding New User section below for more details.
Click on
button to modify the user information through Add/Edit User screen. Refer Adding New User section below for more details.
Click on
button to release the license of the particular user. This means the user will have no longer access to ARC Facilities application and your license count will increase by one.
Click on
button under the Make Administrator column to elevate the privileges of the license of a particular user to Admin level i.e. make the user an administrator (only the account owner or account creator can make an user administrator)
Click on
button under the View Campus Access column to view the name and number of the Campuses to which the particular user has access. This screen is shown below,
Orange Flag means the user has been invited to access the given campus but has not yet accepted the collection access.
Green Flag means the user has the access to the respective campus
The users added on this screen can be later added to campus teams. Hence, a single user can be added to multiple campuses thus rendering that user with the capability to access those campuses.
Searching user on User list screen:
Follow the given procedure to search users from the User List screen.
- You can see the 'User Search' section at the top of the right side of the grid section under which the list of users are displayed.
- Enter search string or keywords in the Search text box.
- The search for the entered string of texts will be carried out in either one of the attributes: User Name, Work Phone, Email, or User License Type of each user.
- Click
(Search button). The search for the entered keyword will be carried out by the application in the selected field. Those users who have the matching attribute matching the entered search string will be displayed as a search result.
Note: Click Reset button to roll back to the original list view before the search was carried out.
Exporting User List
Click [Export] button to export the list of users in an excel file or csv file to your local computer.
Adding New Users
Follow the given procedure to add a new account user.
Open User list screen.
button (Add New User button) from the User list screen to create a new account user. One license (seat) will be reduced after creating the user. The Add/Edit User window appears. This is shown below.
Fill in the fields within the User Information section. Fields that are not marked as Optional need to be mandatorily filled up or selected. Entering the first name and the email ID of the user is mandatory.
Under the User License Information section select the type of user. You can save the new user as Employee or Shared User.
Employee users are employees of the company which owns the licenses for the Campus access. An employee user may access all areas of the Campus that they have been assigned permissions for, which may also include the ability to assign permissions, add or remove Campuses from the account and purchase or reassign licenses.
A Shared user is typically a Campus partner. A Shared user may participate in all areas of operating a Campus that you provide them permission for. They may upload and download files, view files, equipment, forms, etc.
Click [Save] button to create the user & exit the window. Alternatively, click [Cancel] to discard the added information.
The newly added user will be notified through email and a link will be provided to access the application.
Editing Existing User Information
Follow the given procedure to edit an existing user.
Open User list screen.
Click on
button (beside a specific user) to modify the user information through Add/Edit User screen.
You can modify user information, change the license type (if the user is an employee then it can be changed to Shared User), and click [Save] button to save the modifications.