Follow the given procedure to view photos in an album:
Enter inside an album by clicking the album thumbnail (on the right-side of the Campus album screen) or by clicking the album folder on the folder tree (on the left-side of the Campus album screen) where you want to upload the images.
Click on the specific album photo to view the image. The opened-up image is shown in the screenshot below.
You can view all the images of the album one after the other as a slide show. You can stop the slide show and choose to view images as per your requirement.
Click on the
[Tile View] button to view the images in tile format. The application will move you back to the Campus album screen where the photos inside the selected album folder are displayed in the right-side grid as thumbnails.
Click on the
[Full Screen] button to view the image at full screen.
Click on the
[Share] button to send the images to other users. The following screen opens up.
The 'Select photo' pop-up screen displays the images in the selected album folder.
Tick the checkboxes of the photos which you want to share.
Click on the [Share] button to open the Share text editor as shown below
The download link of the select photos along with the text is displayed by default within the Text Editor. You can change the text as per your requirement. You may or may not want to add an expiry date. Adding expiry date implies that the selected photo(s) can only be downloaded before the expiry date and if that date exceeds the due date then you will not be able to download the photo(s) i.e. the download link will expire. Click
to set an expiry date of the photo(s) download link.
Click on [Send via email] button to send the photo(s) download link along with default or edited text through outlook.
- Enter the email ID of the recipient and then send the download link of the photo(s) to the intended recipient(s).
Click [Add more] to share more images along with the selected photo(s) to the intended recipient.