Follow the given procedure to upload photos in an album:
Enter inside an album by clicking the album thumbnail (on the right-side of the Campus album screen) or by clicking the album folder on the folder tree (on the left-side of the Campus album screen) where you want to upload the images.
Once inside an album, click on
[Upload photo] button to upload the photo(s) to the specific album. The Upload Campus photo pop-up window appears. This is shown below.
Click the [Select files] button. The Upload Campus photo dialog box appears. Through this dialog box, you can upload all types of image files (gif, png, jpeg, etc. & HTML files) from your local computer.
Select the image from the specific location.
Click Open. The file(s) link is displayed under the Upload Campus photo window.
To add other information related to the attached image click
(Edit button). A new Update Other Information pop-up box opens.
Alternatively, you can click on (Delete button) to discard the image link before uploading.
7. You can enter information within the displayed fields - Title, Description and Search Tags. Fill in the information and click (Update button).
8. Click [Upload]. After the image gets uploaded it is displayed within the album along with other already existing images.