Users are able to navigate to the Equipment module by:

  • Signing into the ARC Facilities Cloud
  • Navigating inside a campus
  • Clicking the [O&M documentation] module button on the campus Home screen.

After clicking the [O&M documentation] button, a user arrives at the Equipment dashboard screen.

 Fig: Home screen of a campus (‘Equipment’ module button highlighted with a green rectangle)

The Equipment screen displays a list of recently viewed pieces of equipment. Recently viewed equipment is user-specific. To view all the equipment, click on the ‘See all’ link. To find specific equipment, the user needs to search using search keywords or tags.

Fig: Equipment home screen

If there is no recently viewed equipment listed (or if the user is logging in for the first time), then the ‘Recently viewed’ list displays nothing. If the recently viewed equipment list is empty, then users can click on the tags to search for equipment created by other users (other employee users or shared users) of the account under the same campus. A maximum of 20 pieces of equipment can be viewed at one time. The last accessed template (most recently viewed) will be displayed at the top of the list.

The equipment is searchable using equipment name, keyword, and other attributes of the equipment. The right panel of the screen displays the tags associated with all the equipment on the displayed campuses. Users can enter tags while uploading equipment. Hence, each tag is associated with one or more pieces of equipment. Users can select one or more tags and search for equipment associated with the selected tags. Users should be able to do the following on this screen.

Users can click  button to navigate to the Campus list screen of the account.

The screenshot below displays the campus list screen,

If the user selects any other campus instead of the current one from the campus list screen, then the user will be navigated to the campus dashboard screen, and from there on clicking on the O&M Documentation module button user will be navigated to the Equipment dashboard screen where users can perform the following operations:

  • Enter keywords in the search textbox and search for equipment. The keyword entered can be present in equipment name and other attributes like category, model, description, etc.
  • Click the [Add Equipment] button to enter a new equipment detail.
  • Click the [Import] button to import equipment info in bulk (via a CSV file) from the local computer.
  • Click on any equipment row on the recently viewed section, to view details of that equipment.

Click on the [See all] link to view all the existing equipment under this campus on a new screen.

After the list displays, a user can:

  • Click on any equipment row on this screen to view details of that equipment.
  • Click the [Import] button to import equipment info in bulk (via a CSV file) from the local computer
  • Click the [Add] button to enter a new equipment detail in the ARC Facilities app.

Note: In the Equipment module, users can click the  [Back] button to navigate back to the previous screen.